Is there anything wrong at ZebraLight?


Aug 14, 2002
There wasn't anything wrong at ZebraLight, just a delay.

Only I returned an H30 with occasional UI problems to China (09may from UK) and they don't seem to be responding to emails any more.

The last message said my enquiry would be passed on to customer services, then nothing and no responses since.

The company's original delivery was pretty good and I very much like the H30

I have a two day running race coming up where I don't want to go back to my Tikka Plus after the Zebralight.

**** UPDATE*****
I got an e-mail the next day (19jun08) after posting the above question, saying it was shipped on 13th - just as Solarflare's (below) was.

fingers crossed. I hope the UI flaw has not caused Zebralight too much financial stress as apart from this issue, the products seem fantastic - a huge step forward iin headlights imho.
- though a slightly narrower beam than the H30 would be nice!
**** UPDATE******
Arrived - accessories missing - see below
Accessories arrived - 02jul08 - just in time for the race
Phew -- thanks Zebralite

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They seem to be still working on any problems. I returned one on the 30th May emailed them on the 17th June asking for an update. They replied yesterday saying replacement had been shipped on the 13th June. Hope you get a positive outcome soon :candle:
The replacement H30 arrived two days ago. It seems to work well.

The thread is a bit gritty, but easily cleaned.

Sadly, all the accessories including the headstrap are missing.

I wasn't going to send them back with the faulty one, but ZebraLight asked me to.

I have emailed the firm, but in the mean time may have to stitch up my own headband for my two day mountain maration - now in 7 days time.

What did you get back SolarFlare?

I also recieved my replacement a couple of days ago and it too is working fine. I sent my faulty one back much later than you though Steve, 30th May, and when Zebralight emailed me the RMA they asked me NOT to include all the accessories. They may well have thought it was too costly to be mailing the accessories back and forth around the globe inbetween us returning our lights.
Accessories arrived today 02jul08, so no need to cable tie my H30 to an old headband.

Zebralight came through with one day to spare - saunders Lakeland Mountain Marathon this weekend.

I've had some email plus "non-standard" postage from them in the last week. No problems at all. Was going to post a "Cheers" tonight but will record it here.
As the issue seems to have been resolved, I think it would be appropriate for you to edit your thread title.

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