I've been waiting for PTS to get the neutral white LED/OP reflector drop-ins for the T20C2 MKII, but I see that Eagletac-USA has had them for a while but they are now sold out of the neutral white.
Does anyone know if they will be restocking these neutral white?
It wouldn't make sense for any company to sell a limited run of neutral white when apparently they are a hot item and many people prefer them exclusively.
I got my T20C2 MKII in the cool white thinking I could later add the Neutral white drop-in and then it wouldn't look like I placed such a huge order. My wife doesn't say much if I at least spread out my spending rather then going all out in one purchase.
Anyways.. does anyone have any good news, like when they may be restocking?
Does anyone know if they will be restocking these neutral white?
It wouldn't make sense for any company to sell a limited run of neutral white when apparently they are a hot item and many people prefer them exclusively.
I got my T20C2 MKII in the cool white thinking I could later add the Neutral white drop-in and then it wouldn't look like I placed such a huge order. My wife doesn't say much if I at least spread out my spending rather then going all out in one purchase.
Anyways.. does anyone have any good news, like when they may be restocking?