I am looking at buying a few zoomable head lamps for a project or two. My concern is how the prices change a bit depending on the claimed bulb included. Are the generic "HXP90" lights actually brighter than the "HXP50" lights that sell for just a few bucks less, or just sucker bait?(ie a retooled housing for the 50, sold as the 90) I've heard of fake crees, so am I actually likely to see a difference between a $25 "HXP90.2" w/o batteries headlamp, and a $9 w/o batteries "T6" headlamp? Today I saw a "XHP160" zoomable headlamp for $30, which is getting near the per part pricing limit on these projects I have in mind. I know I'm not actually going to get a million lumens, but any of these are guaranteed to be better than what I'm starting with, the only question is by how much, and what is the cost to performance ratio if any. I don't mind spending $25 instead of $9 on a part if I am actually getting a noticeably brighter light, but not if the difference will be negligible, or worse, nonexistent. Has anyone bought several cheap generic zoomable headlamps to compare. In general, I just want to know about how much brighter(1.5x,2x,10x) one light might appear vs another, so I can judge weather the price increase(and difference in size/adaptability) is worth the difference in cost. I'm not looking for hard numbers just a rule of thumb. With their "overly optimistic" specs, that clearly don't expect anyone to call them out, I am worried that the Law of Diminishing Returns might set in nearly at the start on these generic things, so If anyone wants to weigh in, I'd appreciate it.
I'll try this one last time in a dedicated tread, as I don't think I've done that yet. I am hoping by seperating the question from other discussions, it will be easier to reply to, if anyone wants to reply. If not I'll figure there is no answer, and won't bother the comunity with this question anymore. Thank you for any help.
I'll try this one last time in a dedicated tread, as I don't think I've done that yet. I am hoping by seperating the question from other discussions, it will be easier to reply to, if anyone wants to reply. If not I'll figure there is no answer, and won't bother the comunity with this question anymore. Thank you for any help.
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