Is this even a leadlight!? (pics)


Newly Enlightened
Feb 19, 2007
I recently bought this laser about a week ago or so. in...beggine level on this stuff. ive never had a green laser before.
from browsing around i was under impression novophone sells leadlight.
but just incase i wanted to ask you guys
heres a stock phot i got from the auction

it looks about the same as the picture but my sticker is not in the same place...i dont think that makes a whole lot of difference though.
here my picture

i dont know what i expected but i thought the case would look difference, the discription said solid metalm this is more of an alumium can feel to it,

you probably cant see but i alread put a small dent in it.

the the reason im a little spectical is because the first picture on the auction
is this

did i get ripped off?
Cdawg --
There are a lot of rip off Leadlights out there. I got 2 from your source and both were
<5mW by a bunch. He refunded my money saying he could not meet my standards. He really didn't know - not his fault. Many vendors don't expect their customers to have power meters !! They'll learn.
so this is, or isnt a true leadlight?
im not really into modding it. my odds dont pay me enough to afford a mistake trying to mod this. so im not interested in any strong power. to burn balloons, cause im sure this probably wont do that even modded.
i just dont like the fact that this isnt what i though i ordered
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Cdawg --

I didn't say it's not what you ordered. If you want a 5mW +/- pointer, it is probably OK. One of mine needed to be at "body Temp" to give full output.

It looks like you got what you wanted and the price is good with them. ENJOY!! He is good people.

...back to original it a true leadlight, or not
It's definitely not a leadlight. If you only paid $30-$40 with it, and it's reasonably bright, then it's not a bad deal. But if you paid $50+ and were fooled by that one picture of a real leadlight in the black container, then I would contact the seller.

The other issue is that I had a pointer that looked exactly the same as the one you received. It was advertised as 50mw, I paid $150 for it. Turns out it was only putting out about 10mw of green and 100+mw of invisible, blinding infared light.

Once I learned that, I was quite upset as I had been doing experements with red protective laser goggles at close ranges under the impression that my eyes were safe. Instead I was exposed to loads of IR light that passed right through the glasses at close range (from trying to light matches and whatnot). Thankfully I have not seen any problems with my vision but the possiblitity of damage was definitely there.

As soon as I saw that pointer I recognized it as being identical to my bad laser, down to the same style sticker. I hope yours does have an IR filter, but I would treat it like it doesn't. Do not shine it on anything close to you where you could get intense IR reflections in your eyes.
This is a leadlight...

I modded it and whenever I show my friends they are totally amazed by it's incredible power. one friend barrowed it and doesnt want to give it back now! HAh

Note: The cap on the end is actually supposed to be silver. I just switched it with the cap from my black leadlight.

It looks a little different. The very front and the button from what I can tell in the pics.
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Cdawg, just to echo what a few people have said, I bought one of these a month ago, and the eBay description said it was a replica of a Leadlight, not the actual thing.
I also got a £5 green pointer from ebay about a month ago. It looks a little like the leadlight but with a stepped down tip with vents in the side. Claimed output is <8mW and my power meter (Molectron Max500A with PM3 head thermopile, so is sensitive to IR) measures 3mW after 10seconds. The beam takes about 10 second to stabilise, less if already warm. I have not had a chance to measure the spectral output so I don't know if it has much IR in it, but the spot looks about 3mW so probably not too much. It does its job as a pointer, particularly for the price.
so...can someone give me a link, to find a official leadlight laser

edit: or better yet, the best laser most reliable laser, under $70
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