Flashlight Enthusiast
I am the proud owner of a couple of Streamlight Microstream lights. I use one for EDC, the other I have in my car for emergencies. I live in Iowa, where recently daytime temps have been 20F and nighttime around 5F. I would dearly love to put a AAA lithium in at least the light in my car, and I wouldn't mind putting one in my EDC as well. Streamlight states "alkaline only" since that is all they have tested. I believe since this is a regulated light with a voltage boost in place, that it SHOULD be ok to use a lithium primary, but I would hate to blow my light testing it.
Have any of you wonderful people put a lithium primary into a Microstream? If so, how did it work?
Thanks in advance.
Have any of you wonderful people put a lithium primary into a Microstream? If so, how did it work?
Thanks in advance.