Hello RanchDweller,
Welcome to CPF.
CR123A = CR123 = DL123A = EL123 = 123A = 123
All of these names refer to a primary lithium cell that is not rechargeable.
In metric terms, this cell is about 17 mm in diameter and about 34 - 35 mm tall and is round, so it can be also stated as a 17340 or 17350, but this nomenclature is usually reserved for the rechargeable version of this cell.
When you put a R in front of it, you have the Li-Ion recargeable version. For example R-CR123.
The lithium primary cells have a nominal voltage of 3.0 volts. The rechargeable cells have a nominal voltage of 3.7 volts, but start off at 4.2 volts. Some circuits don't mind the additional voltage, but others burn up.
In the R-CR123 size cells, there are several variations, so you will have to do some searching and studying to make sure what you are looking at is really going to work without damaging your light.
An 18650 cell is about 18 mm in diameter, about 65 mm long and is round. As you can see, it is a little larger than the 17340 cell. With normal Li-Ion chemistry, both cells will have the same voltage, but the 18650 cell will have much more capacity. Capacity = run time.
If both the R-CR123 and the 18650 cells utilize the same Li-Ion chemistry, it is possible to find a charger that will charge both.