it .is. finished.


Newly Enlightened
Aug 12, 2001
how about a snapshot- this sounds like a great conversion and something worth seeing beam shots of.
CPF member Wayne Johnson makes regulators right down your alley for a luxeon star conversion. I hope he doesn't mind my mentioning him here. You should get with him if you need one. I had one made recently and was very pleased with it.
well almost. for weeks ive been wanting to have a cool mod for my almenum dorcy coolblue. well i put 3 luxean stars in the head and they fit like a glove. it is so bright that anything under 10 feet away gets vaporized and every thing else over 10 feet is just blown away. we are talking floodlighting areas 100s of feet away while standing in a in a well lit naighborhood. now what i want is a board that will run 3.6 or so volts from a d cell the bourd must be no wider than a d cell an no longer than one either i would the simplist installment possible i.e. 2in-2out. please help