ITP C6T, Fenix TK11, Olight M20 Warrior Premium, Jetbeam Jet III


Newly Enlightened
Dec 4, 2005
I´m searching for the best flashlight up to 70€ for a good friend of mine.
Which one would be your choice and why?
I have seen good test reviews of the Olight M20 Warrior but never tested one myself. The Fenix TK11 is based on the T1 which I have and have nothing but good things to say about that and the entire line. Since it takes the CR123 as well, its a good choice.

Will you need more of a thrower or an all around light?

I would go Fenix TK11 then Olight M20 Warrior (higher price) as my order of preference based on what you listed. Don't know anything about that third light.
I'm no expert, but I have a TK11 and a Jetbeam military. I haven't tested them side by side yet (Jetbeam is xmas gift), but I like the fit and finish on the Jetbeam better. The tk11 is a beast though for throw. It's my first really good light.
The tk11 doesn't have many features other than 60 lumens and turbo, and both are very bright.
The Military, I will have set on low or can ramp up to what I need and a max setting.
I think my next will be something with alot of features and programs, possible a Novatac or another Jetbeam.
I also have a fenix p2d which is nice but slippery.
Just buy one and plan on getting another so no regrets.
TK 11 is very solid light and good priced one too. Things i like about it, different options for batteries, build and finish quality, dead simple UI- low and Turbo, throws pretty far, good spill.
Things i hate about it - is beam, it uses smooth reflector so all blemishes with the hot spot are very apparent indoors. And off-center emmitter is one of the problems with TK11, if you can live with that, than it is a almost perfect light.
It´s unbelieveable hard to make a decision!

olight m20 warrior premium, itp c6t and jetbeam jet III m are very interesting.

which of them would you take?

the finish of the jetbeam is the best?

the olight is the most powerful?

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