I too agree, this is finally good news for Inova and its many admirers!
I believe I have a post somewhere outlining that Inova needed to do something like this by early 2008 to stay in the (flashaholic) game, so I'm very glad they are picking up the pace.
I also had said they need at least one flashlight with a choice of low/hi, and Inova listened there, as well.
Now, to await the actual product, reviews by our trusty reviewers, battery selections, etc. to completely understand what these lights are and where they fit.
One thing, though, I don't see how the X5 could be adapted, they are not about to put 5 big-time CREE LED's in that package now, are they?
From the original post with the info on specs, I'd think they would first concentrate on their Tx tactical line. Also on the X1, probably that would need quite a bit of emitter sophistication in order to be upgraded to a CREE LED, so far not one of Inova's greatest strengths?!