It's Official, Inova is gong CREE!!!

OMG OMG Target here I come! I still have some money left on the gift card my uncle gave me for H.S. graduation. Now, if they only had a light that was capable of taking rechargeable LiIon cells, Inova would be the perfect flashlight company, IMO. White wall hunters be damned! Bring back TIROS, too! I wonder what they have in store for the X1?

I just clicked the link, and for now it's only for the T-series. I think I'll wait until the emitters trickle down to the X-series.
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OMG OMG Target here I come! I still have some money left on the gift card my uncle gave me for H.S. graduation. Now, if they only had a light that was capable of taking rechargeable LiIon cells, Inova would be the perfect flashlight company, IMO. White wall hunters be damned! Bring back TIROS, too! I wonder what they have in store for the X1?

You can use 3.0v RCR123's.

But yes, I want a new X1
Wow, great news. Until tonight all I had was my black X5 (bought used, older generation). But tonight I got my first X1 (early b-day present) and it's nice. Looking over things, I'm pretty sure I got a 2nd generation X1, which I am quite fine with.

I've been very impressed with the Inova lights. Great build quality, and anodization. The X5 has been my daily EDC for almost a year now. Now it will have to share time in rotation with my X1!

I don't know how soon I would buy one (as I can be a cheapskate at times!) but I'll certainly be looking forward to the T series Crees.

FANTASTIC !:twothumbs I have been hoping for this for while.Even with the K2 my INOVA T1 has been a favorite since I purchased it.I really like the form factor of my T1 and I don't see anything else that compares.
I'll be all over the new T1 and T3. The K2/reflector versions are already among my favorite lights, even with the short runtimes.
Wonder if they're going to add reverse polarity protection for dummies like me. Sooner or later, in swapping batteries around in various lights, I end up putting the batteries into an Inova in the same direction as they go in the more than dozen other lights I have. And that's it. After I killed the second expensive Inova, I swore I'd never get another one. Their wonderful features are of no value when they're dead. I'd consider relenting if they'd add reverse polarity protection, although it'll still be a nuisance to put the batteries in, turn on the light, say "oh, yeah, right", take them out, and reverse them.

I envy you guys who can always remember. But I'm not one who can.

Maybe they'll also put the Nichia DS in the X5 and maybe the X1 too. I wonder how they'll do the mode switching on the T4/5.
hopefully the thermal path / heatsinking will be improved with a mounting plate that earns its name (not like now)
the switch (T-models) will be improved (which I doubt), so I dont have to mod my lights with a scorpion switch any more.
I too agree, this is finally good news for Inova and its many admirers!

I believe I have a post somewhere outlining that Inova needed to do something like this by early 2008 to stay in the (flashaholic) game, so I'm very glad they are picking up the pace.

I also had said they need at least one flashlight with a choice of low/hi, and Inova listened there, as well.

Now, to await the actual product, reviews by our trusty reviewers, battery selections, etc. to completely understand what these lights are and where they fit.

One thing, though, I don't see how the X5 could be adapted, they are not about to put 5 big-time CREE LED's in that package now, are they?

From the original post with the info on specs, I'd think they would first concentrate on their Tx tactical line. Also on the X1, probably that would need quite a bit of emitter sophistication in order to be upgraded to a CREE LED, so far not one of Inova's greatest strengths?!
well,ain't that peachy. I just got a X1 at target maybe 4 days ago, and have an older T1 on the way from bat.junction. I got the older one 'cause i really liked the stainless bezel, the single 123, and the mid-range output. But count me in for one of the crees,too.
I hope they do a couple things for their 2008 lineup.

Upgrade the X5 to DS would be sweet. Maybe a lo/hi mode too? I can dream can't I?
DS for X1s too. Using a cree would make it more expensive, and they need to keep an appealing little entry market light. DS is comparable efficiency to cree iirc. I'd also like to see RED X1s. Amber and Teal wouldn't hurt either.

The T1-MP 100 lumen light output for 5 hours

The T2-MP 125 lumen light output for 4 hours

The T3-MP 150 lumen for 3.5 hours

The T4-MP 175 lumens for 2 hours with High, Low and Strobe

The T5-MP 200 lumen for 3 hours with High, Low and Strobe
For the T-series, I wonder how the modes in the T4 and T5 will be accessed. I hope to see something more elegant than clickie cycling thru modes.
I hope the T1 is a single CR123 again. But it doesn't look like it.
I wonder if the T4 will still be rechargeable? Looks like the T5 will be a 3xCR123 again based on the higher output and longer runtime than the T4.

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