j2ledflashlights stores are closed.

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Newly Enlightened
Jan 13, 2009
Ontario, Canada
I checked j2ledflashlights website to get his store locations and check his products. He has a good price on the LD20. After confirming locations and store hours, I drove to his store and found it empty. Shelves empty, locked up. I drove to his second location as I didn't have the phone number on me and found the same thing.

I see they still have lots of auctions on ebay and I'm not sure why they closed the stores. I am a little bit put off about spending the better part of the day and $40 in fuel to find an empty store. I suppose I could have called, but I'm not in the practice of calling every store before I visit to ask if they are still in business. Especially when the website states that they are "pleased to announce we have moved into several retail locations." Sounds like a new thing.

I emailed them and will see what response I get back. I know that a couple of people on CPF recommended them.

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I will go to the local General Store and see if he still has his both set up.
I sure hope so cause it's the only store here that sells Fenix and with out it.....😱😡:shrug:
I will go to the local General Store and see if he still has his both set up.
I sure hope so cause it's the only store here that sells Fenix and with out it.....😱😡:shrug:
Hi, winmag. After reading your post I did some hunting. I was under the impression the j2led owned the store. But from what I've read, The General Store rents space to various people/businesses so that they can sell their goods. From what I've read here all of the stores closed on Jan 12th. It sounds like they took Jan rent from their "Vendors" and didn't pay them for the Dec. sales. The head office is in Guelph and is vacant and locked up.

Doesn't sound like a nice situation. I wonder if j2led lost any of the product that was in the stores? That would not be good. As much as I can sympathize with them and it sounds like they've had a lot going on and updating their website was likely the last thing on his mind. I can understand this now that I know the background.

UPDATE: I just received an email from j2ledflashlights through ebay. Products are put into General Store on consignment. They sell them for the various people. I don't know if he got all of his products out of the stores yet, but from his email and the other forum postings, anyone who had product in the store didn't get paid for the December or January sales. The company has declared bankruptcy, so it's unlikely they will get anything out of it. This really is a bad situation, especially given the holiday season in December and the amount of stock that could have been sold.

He offered me a discount on a flashlight to make up for the inconvenience, but given his situation, I really feel that I would be taking advantage of him. All things considered, it's a pretty minor inconvenience for me, a very large one for him.

I'm planning on buying an LD20 from him on eBay to help this guy recover anything that he has lost over the past couple of months. I've heard good things about him on this forum, and I would say they seem to be true. If anyone is looking for a new light, I'd suggest checking out his auctions, but that's just my personal thought and my own initiative - nothing to do with j2ledflashlights.
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Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. Perhaps this is a good thing; while it's good to have a bricks-and-mortar location, I always found my experience at the General Store to be pretty much hands-off with the store showing very little interest in, and no knowlege of, the products that J2LED had to offer.

J2LED deserves better exposure so, maybe having the web stores will work better for them...
I always found my experience at the General Store to be pretty much hands-off with the store showing very little interest in, and no knowlege of, the products that J2LED had to offer.

You can say that again.
This is a bummer situation, now I have to pay for extra for the S/H and I don't get to play with it before I buy it. Must be another store in Calgary that has them...
I don't see how The General Store closed up, they had so much cool stuff.
Must be the "Air Canada" situation all over again.
I bought my first quality flashlights from J2LED, a TK10 and a P1D Q5.
Fast, efficient, helpful. They're a valuable part of the flashlight world 🙂
Although I haven't purchased anything from them, J2LED is in my small bookmark list of flashlight vendors.

I hope they are able to get back whatever stock they had in the stores.
Although I haven't purchased anything from them, J2LED is in my small bookmark list of flashlight vendors.

I hope they are able to get back whatever stock they had in the stores.
They were able to get their stock back, but at considerable effort and cost.

I'll be placing my order with him at the end of the week for my first real flashlight. :candle:
Went to The General Store today and is was closed up. On the door was a sign that said they were kicked out for not paying the rent and they have 5 days to remove all belongings or it will become the property of the building owner.

All the windows were blocked with cardboard so I could not tell if there were any merchandise left inside. 😡
I bought a lot of lights from J2ledflashlights since 2006...back when they didn't had the website up and running. They are also good friends...always the personal delivery for me (and choose the tint from the batch!!)
I hope you get all your stocks back from the general store John and Jim!

A message from j2ledflashlights.

:popcorn:John at j2ledflashlights asked if I could post this message on his behalf:

Dear fellow CPFers,

We used to advertised at CPF and no longer due because a clause in one of the manufacturer's policy that forbids us to "step foot at CPF." This is the reason why we no longer participate at CPF because the CPF is a "protected territory"

I really missed participating at CPF and thank the members at CPF for our concerns.

It is business as usual , even without our products selling at the retail level at The General Stores. We have not given up on the idea of selling our lights at the "brick and mortars locations level " and are still searching .

We have been selling at the General Stores for three years and it was unpredictable that they all closed unexpectedly.

We thank our customers we have bought our products at The General Stores and we will continued stand by our products 100%. We still honour our manufacturer's warranties for our customers who have bought our products thru the General Stores.

To answer one of the CPFers, the demand for led flashlights are still there in these poor economical times , but the competition are more intense as more new dealers enter the markets.

We have been in this market - selling led flashlights for nearly 5 years and we will continue to strive to bring the best for our customers for many years to come.

Thanks for your concern and support .


Re: A message from j2ledflashlights.

:popcorn:John at j2ledflashlights asked if I could post this message on his behalf:

Dear fellow CPFers,

We used to advertised at CPF and no longer due because a clause in one of the manufacturer's policy that forbids us to "step foot at CPF." This is the reason why we no longer participate at CPF because the CPF is a "protected territory"

I'd like to know who this manufacturer is so that I can be sure to never buy anything from them.
Wow, seems rather odd that a flashlight manufacturer can forbid a particular dealer from posting here.

There are many dealers here that are able to actively post and some of those sell the same product line that j2led offers.
Wow, seems rather odd that a flashlight manufacturer can forbid a particular dealer from posting here.

There are many dealers here that are able to actively post and some of those sell the same product line that j2led offers.
I don't know anything about that, I just posted what he wrote. I'll send him and email, however, and see what he says, and report back! I'm curious myself! :popcorn:
Could you ask him if there are any other places in Calgary we could buy his lights from. If not what is he doing about it. Thanx
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