Jet Beam cl-e head jam!


Newly Enlightened
Jun 11, 2006
I just got the long awaited light in the mail yesterday! After having the mother in law question me on what I was getting from hong kong I was off to get a fresh battery. I am just starting my collection of lights so I was anticipating this one coming. After putting the battery in I should have not gone further. I noticed a bit of resistace in the threads.I did manage to get it to work and was thrilled at its functions.This was my first light to do so many things. The mother in law was even amazed. But a few more turns of the head it totally jammed up .I turned as hard as could and this baby was stuck good.I belive this threading issue was why they were delayed from Emillion in the first place. I did mange to get at apart but its stripped now and will not go back together. Ok the package says 10 year warrentee but do you think they will take it back with what I did to it? It looks pretty bad and I dont even want to post a picture of what I did to it....


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 29, 2006
Hello !

Write to Emilion and explain him the situation.

A little but usefull tip for every flashlight:

Clean the thread inside and outside with alcool and q-tips, then put a good lubricant on the thread (any lithium grease works fine).

Good luck !


Newly Enlightened
Jun 11, 2006
ok the light is all packaged back up and ready to go.Does anyone have a mailing address for emillion?

Somy Nex

Sep 29, 2005
Penang, Malaysia
i would strongly encourage you to get in touch with Emilion first, before sending anything off to save yourself from future grief.

This has nothing to do with Emilion per se, but with any dealer in any location that is outside of your own country. For example, if i were to send a light from Asia to anyone in the US, i'd make sure i contact them first & work out a resolution, and include a copy of the e-mail correspondence with the light. I bet if i were just to send back a light unsolicited to <insert your favorite store here>, you can bet it'll take a lower precedence than if you had worked out already what was to be done with the returned package upon receipt.


Newly Enlightened
Jun 11, 2006
I recieved an email from him with a different address than what is on his site to send it back to. I also eclosed the reciept and our correspondances .Lets see what happens and what he will do for me. I dont see the light available anywhere right now so it may be a while before I get another. I only wish I knew I had to lube the threads .Being a newbie at buying lights I am learning some new thins...


Newly Enlightened
Feb 24, 2006
Panama City, FL
Well, to be fair, if the threads were seriously boogered up to start with, lubing them with grease wouldn't have done much for you, methinks. So don't kick yourself too hard on that front. My two seem to work fine, the only issue I have with them is that there is a very tactile feel of the battery rotating around inside the tube when I twist the head for activation. It looks kind of like the battery is getting scratched up on the bottom where this is happening.