JetBeam AA Cree or Rexlight AA, which is better?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 17, 2006
Downey, CA
I have an order in with CEJ, but now I'm starting to see the Rexlight as having better options:

1. No PWM
2. 1AA, 2AA or CR123 body.
3. Roughly same price.

Also, which one is going to have brighter output?
i would assume the jetbeam will have better output on aa.... jetbeam ussualy wins in that department.. as well as beam quality.
Where did u see the Rexlight not being PWM?
Kaidomain states the 1.2V-3.7V version uses PWM.
x2x3x2 said:
Where did u see the Rexlight not being PWM?
Kaidomain states the 1.2V-3.7V version uses PWM.

Straight from

UPDATE: Both flashlights come without the PWM in the final productions, so there will be no flicker issue.
UPDATE: 2-AA Extension Tube and RCR123A battery tube will be sold separately for a minimal cost.
UPDATE: We will ship internationally for the same price.
UPDATE: Rexlight is listening to all of our request, so keep them coming in the "comments" section please.
Nice! :) I'm sure lotsa people will be going for these instead of Fenix!
It's kinda hard to say which will be better, since no one's actually used the Jetbeam yet (at least that I've heard).

Both sound pretty great.

I'd wait to see the run-times. I prefer more efficient circuits, and cliffs on the run-time graphs. Usually Fenix wins in this department.
Don't be suprised if they're all using the same circuit.
Check out the Fenix/Huntlight/Lumapower stuff, all the same basic functions, designs and machining.
The Jetbeams have had 2AA and CR123 options in their previous light; I assume it will be the same for the MkIIx? The MkIIx might even be exactly the same body and fit the old accessories.

If the price is nice, I might go for the Jetbeam if it retains the old interface. As I mentioned in the Rexlight thread, I don't like the light not being able to reset after it is switched off for some period.

I would like the light to always start from the first setting (primary or low, I don't mind), and I can easily tap it into the mode I want without much thought. With the rexlight, if you happened to use it for less than 5secs the previous time, you will be greeted with the next mode. If you can't remember what was the last mode you used, it makes things even worse.

I think the Fenix has the nicest interface with the head twistie included to make 2 sets of settings. But the price is also "nice". :D
LEDcandle said:
As I mentioned in the Rexlight thread, I don't like the light not being able to reset after it is switched off for some period.

I would like the light to always start from the first setting (primary or low, I don't mind), and I can easily tap it into the mode I want without much thought. With the rexlight, if you happened to use it for less than 5secs the previous time, you will be greeted with the next mode. If you can't remember what was the last mode you used, it makes things even worse.


I persoanlly think this would be a great feature for the flashlight to come on in the last mode used. At least then you would have a choice. If you want the light to come on in a particular mode, then turn it off in that mode. Wala, problem solved. With the other lights you have no choice. The flashlight will always come on in the factory selected mode.

Just my take on the subject.
javafool said:
I persoanlly think this would be a great feature for the flashlight to come on in the last mode used. At least then you would have a choice. If you want the light to come on in a particular mode, then turn it off in that mode. Wala, problem solved. With the other lights you have no choice. The flashlight will always come on in the factory selected mode.

Just my take on the subject.

I believe switching it off in that mode means the next time you turn it on, it will be in the next mode. Unless you wait 5 secs (Btw, I read 10 secs somewhere but 5 secs elsewhere, but I assume they will put it to 5). 5-10 secs is pretty short when you are using the light for something, but there are lots of times you just want a 1-2 second burst to find something. You'll always have to wait 5-10 secs to keep it in that mode.

And apparently to start switching modes you will have to click it twice at the start as it is protected from 'accidental tap'. Is it that easy to accidentally tap a shrouded button? :D This is a 'tailstandable' light with the button hidden within the body, I would think it wouldn't be so easy to accidentally tap it.

All these additional little things add up to make things even more confusing/inconvenient. Well, that's just my personal opinion.
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i am waiting for the mk2x and a cr123 clicky tube.
x2x3x2 said:
Nice! :) I'm sure lotsa people will be going for these instead of Fenix!

Well, time will tell... but from what appears that Price is King here (if we are comparing products of same origin)

One must also see that Fenix has very good track record....

Where as RexLight, JetBeam, LumaPower, UltraFire, HuntLight are relatively new....

Also, who knows, if all these lights are coming from Same CNC Machines / Manufactured at same locations and just targeted with different markets within the sector with different brand names like Nuwai... etc... especially looking at the similarity in names and body types.
x2x3x2 said:
Nice! :) I'm sure lotsa people will be going for these instead of Fenix!

+1, I agree. on't get me wrong, if the L1D-CE is close in price, like around 35 I'll take the fenix, but frankly, the Rex light looks pretty damn impressive. I'm on the list, I'm chopping an the bit for a single AA Cree light thats priced within my means....
x2x3x2 said:
Nice! :) I'm sure lotsa people will be going for these instead of Fenix!

+1, I agree. on't get me wrong, if the L1D-CE is close in price, like around 35 I'll take the fenix, but frankly, the Rex light looks pretty damn impressive. I'm on the list, I'm chomping an the bit for a single AA Cree light thats priced within my means....
It looks very promising but I want to see accurate lumens output measurements and runtime graphs for low/medium/high using an alkaline AA so I can compare the light to the Jetbeam and Fenix lights when they are all available.
LEDcandle said:
I believe switching it off in that mode means the next time you turn it on, it will be in the next mode. Unless you wait 5 secs (Btw, I read 10 secs somewhere but 5 secs elsewhere, but I assume they will put it to 5). 5-10 secs is pretty short when you are using the light for something, but there are lots of times you just want a 1-2 second burst to find something. You'll always have to wait 5-10 secs to keep it in that mode.

My read of the Rexlight's description is that after the 5 second timer is hit, the next time you start the light up, it will start up in that mode, not the next mode. A "start up in next mode" makes no sense at all to me.

I do like the "start up in the last mode" feature. The HDS lights have that mode also, and you'll notice nary a complaint about it ... in the end, that's the mode that will be easiest for most people. Use the same mode 9 out of 10 times (which I think most of us do)? Well then, 9 out of 10 times the light will start out in that mode. Contrast to the approach Fenix etc have taken, of always starting in a particular mode -- if you'd prefer the light to start up in (say) the third light in the sequence, then 9 out of 10 times you'll have to click through ... what a pain!

The only question I have is with the 5 second timer on the Rexlight. It remains to be seen whether this helps or hinders the UI.
Joe, I meant that switching off in a mode under 5 secs will result in a switch to next mode when you next turn it on unless you wait 5 secs. So if you just want a short burst of light to find something, you'll have to intentionally wait 5 secs to keep it at that mode.

I have nothing against memory mode in general; its a great function and I use it on my Gladius. But it should be more convenient than a conventional UI. Maybe without a 5 sec timer?

I don't think we use a single light output 90% of the time; otherwise we'd all be very very satisfied with a single output light. E.g, In the outdoors, we'd prob easily use at least low for reading maps and primary/high for walking.
LEDcandle said:
Joe, I meant that switching off in a mode under 5 secs will result in a switch to next mode when you next turn it on unless you wait 5 secs. So if you just want a short burst of light to find something, you'll have to intentionally wait 5 secs to keep it at that mode.

I didn't see that about switching to next mode if under 5 seconds, but I'm looking back at the page and realize the description is so badly written that I'm not sure exactly what the thing does. You may be right, I can't tell!