Jetbeam UI help please


Newly Enlightened
Aug 20, 2008
Just got my first Jetbeam, a Jet III ST BVC. After playing with it for a an hour, I cannot seem to get the UI right. For instance, I turn it on, so it's in mode a. I hit the tailcap 3 times rapidly, then the light blinks twice then starts to ramp up. After the brightness I desire, I shut it off, wait two seconds, turn it back on, and it's still at the factory setting. So I try mode b, turn it on, hit the button once for mode b, then three times rapidly, ramping sequence starts, then shut it off and this time the brightness appears on mode a. What am I doing wrong? Is there a trick to programming this? I cannot seem to get it programmed the way the instructions say. HELP please before it ends up on CPFM:confused:
Reverse clicky. It's from the new batch Bugoutgear just got in.
These IBS lights doesn't remember the last setting, so when you save lets say the C mode and turn it on again, it will start in the A mode.

1. Try shutting it down for longer time, about 5 secs, mine needs 3 seconds to remember the mode.
2. Once you enter the IBS setting and it starts to ramp up, soft press once to go into the strobe selection mode, soft press again and the light will enter a reset mode (it wont light up) and turn it off again for few seconds. This should reset all your setting to factory default. After this try to program it again and see if it works.

If this doesnt work then your light must be damaged.
I recently got the same light; it drove me nuts too.

On mine, when I'm in "A" and set it accordingly, that setting is actually for "B." When on "B," it sets for "C;" and "C" sets "A."

This is not what the manual states. In some ways, this UI is actually better. Regardless, its not functioning the way it should.

rocled, tell me, is your reflector totally smooth, or do you see any hint of OP or anything hybrid about it?
s.c. it is totally smooth, with a few flaws in it, a bump here and there. Thanks for the input. In your opinion, is this light ok, not damaged?
I really can't tell, this is my first jetbeam as well. But if changing the settings on B actually sets if for A, that doesn't seem right.

I was a little disappointed with the reflector. I was hoping for a bit more OP, as its supposed to be a hybrid reflector: smooth at the bottom and OP at the top. To my naked eye, it looks completely smooth, remarkably smooth, in fact
Perhaps we should contact Bugout about this. Maybe it's just a flaw, or they changed the programming. I was hoping for OP as well, but this light does throw really well compared to my P3D Q5.
Perhaps we should contact Bugout about this. Maybe it's just a flaw, or they changed the programming. I was hoping for OP as well, but this light does throw really well compared to my P3D Q5.

I've been in contact with them...maybe you should too, they're quite helpful.

The throw is amazing on this model, especially for such a small reflector.

You can also post in the thread dedicated to this light in the Dealer's Corner. He'll respond to those.
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Ok thanks for all the help. I guess I'll keep it around a bit longer :naughty:

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