just bought 2 more.....


Sep 12, 2007
Georgia, C.S.A.
I've been away for a couple months, and recently returned with a several new toys, including a fenix P1 cree that's now on my keychain. Everyone's blown away by it, and my mom now wants something for her keychain. I decided to start her off slow ( she's lost or screwed up all the vuarnet and serengetti sunglasses i've given her) so, after scouring several EDC threads, i was leaning towards a Streamlight ultrastream AAA. It's not too big, i don't think. her key-set should be carried around in a gym bag !! i found them in stock (finally) for a reasonable $16 or so at lighthound, and impulisively hit the "add to cart" button. Then i happened to stumble on the Gerber ultra M with red LED for $28 or so, that's one of several (many......OK, lots ) that's i've decided i must one day own, and figured since i'm already paying shipping........:D
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I would go for a Fenix L0D-CE(the brighter Q4 version). AAA batteries, good output and UI is pretty easy to use. The Streamlight Ultrastream is also a good choice though I've heard the tailcap was too sensitive for some.