just got a new Ra Twisty EDC 140


Newly Enlightened
Oct 19, 2007
I see the ano is lighter on the EDC 140 than the Tr 85 that I bought on the sales forum.. but there are no gaps in it on first inspection like there are on the edge of the Tr 85. I'm not complaining about either.
I do see the serial number on the Tr 85 is higher than the number on the EDC 140. Are the numbers consecutive on the entire Twisty series or are they different for each (Twisty) model?
I was just wondering because the number on the TR 85 is higher.

Also, it came with a DEAD battery installed. I'm not complaining there either. I have plenty 123's laying around... but it made me wonder if there is a battery drain in the light when it is just sitting around? The battery is reading in the mv's.

I'm waiting for dark outside but so far the Tr 85 seems to throw better than the EDC 140 inside the house. There is definately more spill with the EDC 140 and the tint is considerably warmer.
I'll see how I like it outside but I'm really happy with cool tinted lights

I'd be happy to take delivery of any of your blue greenish tinted lights.... no problem and no need to thank me.
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my RA 140 had a battery drain issue. It would drain the battery within a week. I sent it back for a repair, but it still seems to drain the battery, although slower this time. I'm not complaining either, just FYI.

Also, it came with a DEAD battery installed. I'm not complaining there either. I have plenty 123's laying around... but it made me wonder if there is a bettery drain in the light when it is just sitting around? The battery is reading in the mv's.
Battery drain would be an issue with me.
I'll have to see how long this battery holds out while not in use.
Same issue in my Twisty 140, it's currently back in for repair as well. Keep and eye on it and see, mine would drain in about a weeks time.
Hmmm.... I'll have to save the packaging for sure.
If several of you got the same light with the same problem and mine came with a dead battery.... I'll have to assume there is a problem with the electronics on some of the 140's?
Had I known this I would have bought another Tr 85 for sure.:(
I had a chance recently.

Do I return this to Unique Titanium ....or to Ra ?
Are you guys backing your battery compartment off enough when not in use? When I had mine, it never had that issue. But I did back the battery compartment off quite a lot when it was stored.

I back most lights off right before you can see the o-ring, I feel that this removes the contacts from touching each other at all. I store all my lights in a pelican case with the tailcaps twisted off quite a lot to prevent battery power loss. Not sure if it's really necessary for my more primitive lights like the SF C2, E1L, etc. but I do it anyways as the batteries are expensive.
Well the Tr 85 DEFINATELY out throws the EDC 140.
I just found 3 deer and a fox in my back yard to play with.
What surprised me is that it appears to me that the spill is not that much greater with the EDC 140 (?) The tint is much warmer with the 140....and I know how important that is with you folks... but I like the cooler tint in the Tr 85.

Anybody want to trade their Tr 85 for an EDC 140 ?:huh:
I guess I need to keep my 140 long enough to see if there is a battery drain issue and sort that out.
I definitely had the light backed out, almost 2 full turns after off. It drained 3 batteries on me before I realized what was going on. I have 2 85tr's, 3 clicky 140's and 2 of the twisty 140's and this is the only one with any issue.... BTW, great, no questions asked service from Henry at HDS, as usual.

Sorry dc, my 85 tr's are staying here!

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