Just got a new tiny battery tester


Oct 1, 2004
Just stopped by a local tools place and picked up a tiny LCD battery tester. info here

Pretty nifty little gadget that appears to have bars on the LCd every 1/2 volt from 0.7v to 1.5v and an additional tricolor LED that lights up red, yellow, and green. It says on the instructions it uses a AAA battery but in fact uses two AG13 sized button cells (most common size). I paid less than $5 for it along with a flexible 1AAA single .5mm LED light with a pocket clip and tiny click switch I got for about $4.
Not sure if it puts a load on the battery or not but I like the LCD scale compared to reading a needle or getting out a DMM it may be a keeper.
yea but i prefer a DMM, its more accurate !


and the one u got cant measure anything other than a single cell nor a 123A 3volt or LIons etc...........

apparantly i think u jus like the leds on it ... 🙂

I ended up tossing this cute gadget aside.... it was very innacurate. I replaced it with a cool digital battery tester I got for $5 that has 3 load levels and tests up to 9.99v at least.

sure beats having to drag out a dmm as it is just about like a dmm itself.
I have used it very quick to test dozens of batteries from coin and button cells to 9v batteries

yea but i prefer a DMM, its more accurate !


and the one u got cant measure anything other than a single cell nor a 123A 3volt or LIons etc...........

apparantly i think u jus like the leds on it ... 🙂

Hello Lynx,

That looks pretty cool, but the web page says discontinued and the
price seems to be 12.99 now. Did something change since you bought

I currently use one of my DMM's too but was considering building a
multi LED tester for myself and a few other friends. If that tester
you talk about is really 5 dollars though, i might opt for that.
I'm a DMM user myself. It has been a fairly reliable method for me with some exceptions. For example, occasionally I will get a alkaline battery that registers near 1.5V even though I know it is dead. Sometimes lithium primaries will jump up in voltage as well even though they are dead. However if you know what you are doing, it can be a very reliable measurement device most of the time.
I would stay away from that LED tester. I found mine to be off. It would equate 0.1 to almost 0.2v off and batteries that measured 1.3v would measure lower and it is hard to read. I highly recommend the BT21 listed partially down the page. The one pictured there is green mine is the same but in caution yellow, I may offer to get a few of these for people unable to find them available. PM me if you are interested in one.

Hello Lynx,

That looks pretty cool, but the web page says discontinued and the
price seems to be 12.99 now. Did something change since you bought

I currently use one of my DMM's too but was considering building a
multi LED tester for myself and a few other friends. If that tester
you talk about is really 5 dollars though, i might opt for that.
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