Just realized something


Oct 23, 2008
Near Seattle
... while trying to get my lights all together in one spot. Even though the Nightcore D10 R2 edition has hardly left my pocket since I got it a couple of years ago, most of my lights are also in the same general purpose EDC category, and all the good ones have been bought since then. :ohgeez:

I really should diversify more.
Get an M4...or an HID!

A few other neat lights to have that fit different niches are the Glo-Toobs and the Inova 24/7's.
Perhaps you're not 100% satisfied with your lighs =P
I went through about 8 2AA lights before I felt happy with my quark AA2 tactical. That's just my experience lol
Yeah, I'm the same way. I have mostly 1x123 and 1xAA lights, Those are the most fun to collect. My work lights (larger format) are kept separate. I usually carry my D10 or Quark123Ti. Those are easily my 2 favorite lights due to unique interface and size.
Back to your situation: get some big toys, how about a 4D Mag hotwire mod? Maybe a large SST90 light? Sleep on it, call me in the morning. :twothumbs
I wouldn't call it a waste, really. I'm happy with most of my lights (I really need to get around to selling off the ones I don't instead of having them sit around unused), and it's let me try out different UIs and such, and they all have their uses. For example, I used a NW Quark AA for camping (And now a Zebralight SC50w, which I like a lot better) because the neutral white tint is nicer in the outdoors.

When it comes to bigger lights with more throw (But not necessarily more lumens), I have a couple I'm happy with too. I just haven't tried the variety that I have with smaller lights.

I think my next light is going to be a healthy 400+ lumen one. I'm just not sure which... there's a few that look interesting.
Many people especially newbies tend to buy similsr lightd because they like to compare. I used to do that too.

I now try to get people to look at different uses and buy lights that fit those uses:

Keychain light - you have light with you as long as you have your keys with you.

GOTO EDC -most inconvenient to have to pull the keys out of the steering column to have light. Don't want to hold your keys all the time. Pocket or small holster carry.

Car - 2AA with Energizer L91 batteries.

Home utility - Can be duplicate of Car Light or a 2D version.

LED lantern - blackouts or camping.

Headlamp or headband - hands free.

Outdoor lights throw - See that itsy bitsy spot on those treetops.

Outdoor lights flood - when you need to light up your backyard all at once.

Outdoor lights warm tint - when you want to check out the vegetation.
I really should diversify more.

Would you like some help spending your money?

I think you should buy:

A Zebralight 501w & Zeabralight 60w - I have both of these and they are great. Good for hands free and area illumination.

A Mag 2D and the necessary parts to turn it into a ROP light. Lotsa light, lotsa fun.

I am sure others will helpfully suggest other lights that may be different than what you have, but are well worth checking out.