Kitchen scales - Eneloop or Eneloop lite


Newly Enlightened
Apr 9, 2021
Brussels, Belgium
I have a couple of Soehnle kitchen scale, they function with 3 or 2 AAA batteries.

They need very little power, when I measure something for 10-15 seconds, then they turn off.

I was wondering if there is a consensus, which battery is better for them, Eneloop (Standard) or Eneloop Lite?

I see in a few forum messages that Eneloop Lite is more resistant to this very long term, slow discharge scenario.
Or the normal Eneloops would do just fine?

Any tip or feedback is welcome!
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Myself --

I'd simply use Energizer L92 ultimate lithium cells here,
and let 'em run FOREVER !

No need to Over-think this.
Here you can confidently use the normal Eneloop if the scales work with the lower voltage of NiMh batteries.
The Eneloop Lite have advantages where there is constant recharging. E.g. with cordless telephones.
Thanks, then I keep using the Eneloop standard.
But I will give a go for the Energizer L92 - I never thought about it, I guess I need to read more this forum! :)

  • Is there something like a guide with a list with typical usage scenarios, and recommended batteries for them?

I mean not some marketing from a battery company, but here on the forum or somewhere else.
I guess the list would be not endless, maybe 20-30 typical cases could cover 80% of the needs.
Both types will be OK. Lites are quite a bit cheaper, but lower capacity. However, if your scales are low drain and you only use them sparingly, they should last quite a bit between recharges.
If you have IKEA nearby, try to score their LADDA (rebranded ENELOOP PRO). Unbeatable price. This is what I've been using in remotes, scales, clocks etc. around the house.
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Thanks for suggestions, I will keep on using the standard Eneloop AAA batteries then.

I will get a pair of the Lithium cells, too, to try it out.

I had a lot of issues with the Eneloop Pro batteries, almost all of them died over the years. They worked well in the first few weeks, but then all died either because I didn't use them for a while, or some other reason. I asked about it in another thread, and it seems others have a similar experience.
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I've used a bunch of Pros and LADDAs during the years. Yes, they have a shorter cycle life than regular Eneloops, but I never had a cell dying in a few weeks time. Two years is more like it.
I haven't had a single failure with the pros so far :thumbsup:
I've also placed 2 lithium primary AAs in my weighing scale, with how little power it consumes they will probably outlast the scale. I'll report back in a few years.
I've also placed 2 lithium primary AAs in my weighing scale, with how little power it consumes they will probably outlast the scale. I'll report back in a few years.

Yes, lithium primaries are high capacity, have a very long shelf life and do not leak. For something like kitchen scales, that is used couple of times per week they are also a good option. Quite expensive, but as you say, a set may outlast the gadget. I use a set of lithiums in my DMM. Looking at data for its power consumption and my frequency of use, these batteries will last for 6-7 years! That's providing that DMM will survive that long :).
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