L[1,2]D-CE and L_T body tubes and tailcaps are compatible


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2006
CA, 94087
If you have an L_D-CE like I do with a fussy, annoying switch that doesn't do what it's supposed to half the time, try switching it out with the tailcap from an L1T or L2T. My L2T functioned beautifully, and I thought I'd try the swap just for kicks. I was surprised that it works, since the heads are incompatible.

If my L2D-CE tailcaps start bothering me too much, I'll just get L_T tailcaps for them from fenix-store at just $12 a pop.

Ive accidentally swapped them in a mass battery change, but i put them back to stock.

My LT tailcap was a much softer and smoother.
My LD tailcap was more rigid and had a beefier action to it.

my thinking on it was that the LD tailcap was built a bit more rugged, because it would see many more cycles than the buttery smooth and easy LT tailcap.

with the LT tailcap, i would fear wearing it out. (sooner)

allso, i wonder about the alloy differences between the LT and LD.
it seems my threads are holding up alot better in my LD, and *if* the alloy changed for that reason (BIG if, i really have no idea, but i think it might be) you could reintroduce a problem that has been engineered out.

im speaking specifically about the L2D and the L2T to be clear.
Are the finishes the same color (LxT vs. LxD), or are they off a little from each other?

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