L0D-CE Received, Solved a problem, maybe it will help you


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2006
Today I received a Fenix L0D-CE.

I put a battery in it and it didn't work.

I opened it up, and a foot long "hair" was down inside the head. I pulled it out, and the last little bit of it peeled off the threads. I looked at the tailcap, there was some there as well (on the outside threading near the o-ring).

Next I replaced the battery. The Fenix did not turn on normally, I had to turn unusually hard to get it to light.

I looked under magnification and found the terminal side of the printed circuit board was all milky dirty with some substance.

It took a while to get all that substance off with isopropyl alcohol and a cotton swab. Now it works OK.

I've concluded they did a very messy job with epoxy. They got it on the back of the board, and the ENTIRE way up the threads to the end of the threads on the tailcap!

This is the fourth Fenix delivered new with a quality problem, for the record.
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Looks like they are not being tested before being shipped out of the factory. Still plan on getting one tho. So far only one prob with my fenix lights. P1 dropped and stopped working. Was replaced under warranty.
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..Or they are doing the epoxy job after final test.
Just a follow-up, there doesn't seem to be any other defects with the light. It works well and puts out the amount of light I was expecting it to, maybe a little more.
The quality thing is a huge issue with me, since the lights I'm buying will be used in the field for camping/hiking, or would go in the BOB. In other words, when I anticipate needing these lights, I anticipate really needing them, and can't afford a screw up. Your problem was "good" in that it showed up right away. But I guess I'm still iffy about Fenix long-term reliability. I'll wait and see if others report problems...
I think there's quite a bit of batch to batch variation with some fenix torches. I bought one of the 1st P1D-CEs and it was a dog (loose bezel, really poor beam and tint etc). I took a punt and bought another one from a newer batch and it's just about perfect. Similarly my 1st L0P was lucky to put 10 lumens out the front.

It's a lot to ask for the reseller to individually test all the torches before they ship them - that's fenix's job. Nevertheless if you are really worried about it, you can always try asking. David at Torchworld was very helpful in this regard.
Here is some more data.

From the post above, I received a black L0D-CE.

I also received a black L0D, and it also wouldn't turn on. There was no "hair" of epoxy this time, just a leech of epoxy around the edge of the PCB, on about a third way around the board. This time IPA would't remove it, I gently rubbed it loose with a dental pick.

Two natural L0D's arrived, and they worked just fine right out of the box. Only problem was both of their emitters were putting out very green light.
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I've purchased 3 LOD-CE's. One was buttery smooth and actually a different o-ring design than the later two purchased. Both of the later ones had epoxy mess. The epoxy around the board makes the light stick when trying to turn it on with one hand (the top edge of the body completes the ground circuit and this edge is what is sticking to the oozed expoxy). Haven't had time to try and use a dental pick to smooth out the operation. Wish I hadn't given away the first one...
Hello All

New guy here, this is my first post at CPF.

I just bought a L2D CE and received it last week.
I really like the flashlight however it has just failed.

It is stuck in the low lumen output setting.
It seems to function, ie the SOS mode engages in general mode after cycling the tail cap and the Strobe mode functions in Turbo mode, but it only seems to output at about the 9 lumen output.

Tried severeal sets of alkaline and NIMH batteries but the thing just wont output at any level other than low.

I've sent an email to Fenix, I'll see what happens.
EngrPaul said:
Two natural L0D's arrived, and they worked just fine right out of the box. Only problem was both of their emitters were putting out very green light.

I also have a Natural L0D that has a yellowish tint! I love this one! ^_^ The tint matches the anodizing color. :p
My LOD-CE did a similar thing when I installed the battery and turned it on, there was nothing. I cleaned it up a little and it appears to be working normally now.
It looks like only the L0D-CE has too much epoxy! My Natural L0D and the Black one I sold didn't have this problem with epoxy. But my L0D-CE didn't have any electrical contact problem even if there is too much epoxy!