L1 -- Lanyard or no Lanyard? Holster instead?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 13, 2006
With an L1 CREE, I'm faced with a dilemma. Do I break off the Lanyard clip so that the flashlight will fit into the small Surefire holster. Or do I keep the clip and use the Lanyard as my carry method.

Seems like the Lanyard carry around the neck means the light is banging you in the chest. But if I break off the lanyard clip, it's gone for good. I can't put it on again if I change my mind.

How do you carry your Lanyard capable light? Do you prefer holster?

I'd really appreciate your experiences. Thanks.
It all depends on what you are going to be doing while carrying your light. If you are going to be involved in rigorous activity then you are better off with your light in a holster. However, for just walking around the house, camping or other leisure activities you can't beat having the light around your neck. It is so much more accessible and you can have it on leaving your hands free to carry stuff. I EDC a Novatac 120P in my jeans. However, when I am at home I keep the L1 on my nightstand and hang it around my neck for taking out the trash, checking noises in the night etc. Also, for what it is worth I can tell you that I have never dropped one of my lights that is hanging around my neck with a lanyard. You are much more prone to do so removing or placing your light into or out of a holster. I hope this helps.

You don't need to break the lanyard clip. It's pretty easy to take apart. You'll need a small screw driver or those little eye glass repair flat screw drivers. Maybe even a small knife would work. That plastic ring is actually 2 half circle pieces, and just aim your screw driver at the place where they meet and press down, splitting the ring apart. Hope that helps.

I took mine off the second I got my L1 because the notch for the lanyard kind of gets in the way. Plus, I never use lanyards in any of my lights.
Surefire clips are removable ... use the search function for full description.

No I'm referring to the plastic lanyard clip near the tail. These you have to break to remove. I contacted SureFire and verified this with them. They told me that in order to fit the small holster, they anticipate that you have to break off the lanyard plastic clip. the light won't fit the small holster (V82) otherwise.
You don't need to break the lanyard clip. It's pretty easy to take apart. You'll need a small screw driver or those little eye glass repair flat screw drivers. Maybe even a small knife would work. That plastic ring is actually 2 half circle pieces, and just aim your screw driver at the place where they meet and press down, splitting the ring apart. Hope that helps.

I took mine off the second I got my L1 because the notch for the lanyard kind of gets in the way. Plus, I never use lanyards in any of my lights.

Hmmm. I called SureFire about this, and I was told explicitly there is no way to remove it and then put it back on. The only option is to break it (I was told) if I wanted to do holster carry.

Are you able to reattach the Lanyard Clip and have full use of it?
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I found it very difficult to remove the lanyard ring from my L1 using any sort of tool including jeweler's screwdrivers. I ended up nibbling the plastic away at one joint until the two halves came apart. No biggie for me as lanyards (either around the neck, or around the wrist) suits my use of lights.

I am a holster guy and in a couple of recent threads, great holster options were presented for the L1. I'm partial to the RipOffs CO-150 although the CO-63 will also work if you put a spacer in the bottom. There was also a link given to a great leather holster that allows bezel-down carry, which for me, is the most efficient and effective carry and deploy option.

does surefire offer any "head down" holster carry options? why does surefire seem to make everything "head up"?
I guess some of us had better luck with the screw driver than others. :) Hope you were able to take off the ring.
My L1 should be arriving today :D

anyway, i would choose Lanyard over holster, simply because you really dont want to drop your light over a ledge or something while using it, sure it would sruvive the fall, but you may not be able to retrieve it. And the finish would be really mucked up even if you could. You could always find a bigger holster..nothing much you can do about a messed up finish.

I broke my lanyard ring when trying to remove it, even following instructions. But SF will sell you another for just a few bucks. I prefer it without the ring anyway b/c it's easier to hold in my mouth.