With an L1 CREE, I'm faced with a dilemma. Do I break off the Lanyard clip so that the flashlight will fit into the small Surefire holster. Or do I keep the clip and use the Lanyard as my carry method.
Seems like the Lanyard carry around the neck means the light is banging you in the chest. But if I break off the lanyard clip, it's gone for good. I can't put it on again if I change my mind.
How do you carry your Lanyard capable light? Do you prefer holster?
I'd really appreciate your experiences. Thanks.
Seems like the Lanyard carry around the neck means the light is banging you in the chest. But if I break off the lanyard clip, it's gone for good. I can't put it on again if I change my mind.
How do you carry your Lanyard capable light? Do you prefer holster?
I'd really appreciate your experiences. Thanks.