{L1D/L2D/P2D} Can I mix Q5 & RB100 parts of these flashlights? (head, body, tailcap)


Dec 3, 2007
{L1D/L2D/P2D} Can I mix Q5 & RB100 parts of these flashlights? (head, body, tailcap)

Can I mix parts of Fenix L1D/L2D and P2D Q5 and RB100, which all use the same Fenix head? For example put the head from a L2D RB100 flashlight on the body and tailcap of a L2D Q5 flashlight?

Should be no problem, if tailcap and body are identical. Any experiences?
Re: {L1D/L2D/P2D} Can I mix Q5 & RB100 parts of these flashlights? (head, body, tailc

Re: {L1D/L2D/P2D} Can I mix Q5 & RB100 parts of these flashlights? (head, body, tailc

Should be no problem, if tailcap and body are identical. Any experiences?

This logic does not apply to P3D. Don't try to put the L2D head on a P3D body (2xcr123) even if it physically fit or it will go :poof: under 1 minute.

You can mix anything in this list : L12-P2D-L2D (body, tailcap, head regardless if it's a p4, rb80, rb100, Q5).
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Re: {L1D/L2D/P2D} Can I mix Q5 & RB100 parts of these flashlights? (head, body, tailc

You have tested it? :candle:

but there isn't any need. all the electronics is identical between the P2D, L1D and L2D - so everything is interchangeable, regardless of the LED.
Re: {L1D/L2D/P2D} Can I mix Q5 & RB100 parts of these flashlights? (head, body, tailc

The L1D, L2D, P2D(regardless of LED) use the same circuit and the bodies of the lights are interchangeable. So yes, it would work. you can have a L1D-CE Q5 head and place it on a P2D-Rebel 100's body. You will end up with a P2D-CE Q5. The L1T v2.0 and L2T v2.0's heads and bodies are also interchangeable with the L1D, L2D, and P2D.
Re: {L1D/L2D/P2D} Can I mix Q5 & RB100 parts of these flashlights? (head, body, tailc

just don't mix it with P3D.

Cheers mate
Re: {L1D/L2D/P2D} Can I mix Q5 & RB100 parts of these flashlights? (head, body, tailc

@all: Thank you very much! :thumbsup:
Re: {L1D/L2D/P2D} Can I mix Q5 & RB100 parts of these flashlights? (head, body, tailc

This logic does not apply to P3D. Don't try to put the L2D head on a P3D body (2xcr123) even if it physically fit or it will go :poof: under 1 minute.

You can mix anything in this list : L12-P2D-L2D (body, tailcap, head regardless if it's a p4, rb80, rb100, Q5).

Simple reason is that the input voltage is somewhere btw 0.7V to 4.2V(correct me if wrong). So L1D(1AA=1.5V),L2D(2AA=3.0V),P2D(CR123=3.0V). But if use P3D(>6V) will be overvoltage..
Re: {L1D/L2D/P2D} Can I mix Q5 & RB100 parts of these flashlights? (head, body, tailc

Simple reason is that the input voltage is somewhere btw 0.7V to 4.2V(correct me if wrong).

0.7v to 3.7.v to be exact. you can use 4.2v but you will loose all the low modes.


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