L1T battery


Newly Enlightened
May 29, 2008
so. il.
Hello, everyone, I need advice, I have a L1T with a battery that will not come out of my light, it looks like it has black goo or something that is keeping the battery from slipping out, should I drill it or beat it out? I'm lost. Thanks.
:welcome: grins!

Take both the head and tailcap out, and hammer the battery out of there (use a wooden dowel against the battery). Then wash things really well to get rid of the caustic residue.
Don't clamp it directly in a vise or pliers, etc. The tube will deform very easily. Bummer. Good luck.
Yeah, just unscrew both ends (head and tailcap). You can then probably push it out with your fingers. Use a dowel (as mentioned above) if your fingers don't work. Make sure to ring off all the goo (and your hands)
Sounds like the battery leaked. If it's a good battery company, you might be able to get a new light.

Try taking out both the head and tailcap, and hammer out the battery.

I tried the wood dowel and it wont budge, if I keep hammering, it will destroy the battery 100% dont know the battery maker, it came with the light.
If the battery is that far gone, it's probably futile to try to salvage the tube.

I would try drilling the battery through to relieve some of the outward swelling and then begin slowly scraping the remains of the battery away (wearing gloves and probably eye protection). I'd then soak it a baking soda / water solution and hope it came clean. Battery cleaner solution from an auto parts store might work better.

I think L1T tubes are available.
It could also be used as a reason to buy a new light. If you can get the old one fixed, even better.

Try drilling out as much of the battery as you can without damaging the body, then scrape the rest of it off.

Battery Acid is actually basic, so vinegar would neutralize the base, but I'm not sure how well it will clean.
The light came from the Fenix store website, the battery was supplied with the light. Thanks everyone for your advice, I do appreciate your time.I will let you know if I can salvage the light or not.