L4 Lumamax


Newly Enlightened
Jun 1, 2007
Sydney Australia
Ive been thinking a lot lately about buying an SF L4
but i guess it is quite expensive. I really want to get one though, will i be disappointed or are they as great as all the reviews say? I want a powerful flood type light and this seems to fit into that bracket!
Anyone who has one give me a reply id be interested to hear about them!
Also can they use RCR123s?
Thanks very much

Its a great flood light. The throw is nothing to scream about but for use inside 25 yards its plenty sufficient. Had mine out camping last weekend and it would light up the whole campsite. Ive been contemplating mounting it to my shotgun because of its size and brightness but we will see if I go through with that.
Dude, asking this is like asking "should I take my next breath"....buy it and enjoy the Surefire "wall of light":twothumbs. This thing don't really throw but good Lord can it creat a wall of 100 lumen white light. The only thing is that some have slight donut holes in beam, but thats hardly a reason to turn you off of them. Shop around and you can pick them up for about 100-120 off of the CPFMarketPlace...don't hesitate.:thumbsup:
you will not regret getting that light. I have a L2 and its like a tank its taken many drops and hardly has a mark on it. The L4 is a little shorter than my L2 but I find the dual stage very useful so i dont mind the extra length. overall the best light i own

I think you can use a 17670 but you loose some output
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The kl4 is a very fine hunk of aluminum glass and electronics. I have found that of the 4 I have one will not run on a single cell RCR123a. the rest di just fine.
Luck of the draw. Some people go through several or many of the heads to find one which they like. All of mine have slightly different tints. I was able after several trys to create a matched pair of them.


Anyway GO FOR IT search around One (kl4 head only) sold on ebay for under $65 tonight. I only know this because I was bidding for it.
Lighthound used to carry heads I don't know if they still do. You can find complete assemblys for a little over $100 if you look around. They do produce a wonderful WALL OF LIGHT.

Ive been thinking a lot lately about buying an SF L4
but i guess it is quite expensive. I really want to get one though, will i be disappointed or are they as great as all the reviews say? I want a powerful flood type light and this seems to fit into that bracket!
Anyone who has one give me a reply id be interested to hear about them!
Also can they use RCR123s?
Thanks very much

L4 never came in black HA. You can put a black KL4 on a black E2e body (both black HA) and get an equivalent light, at greater cost. OpticsHQ has both in stock.
Hi there,

I used to have a KL4/E2E/E2D TC combo fed with a single Protected 17670. I wouldn't advise 2xR123s (its a boost circuit so 8.4v will fry). Many has reported that the KL4 can run on a single R123s but having a single cell body will not benefit as the smaller form factor would be uncomfortable to handle with extended period of use. LuxV led do let out heat....IMO an L4 is just the right size and this can be made to edc comfortably. Do take note that some battery tube do accept P17670 batteries but other need some minor reaming to make it fit.
I love my L4, my suggestion would be to go ahead and get it :)

Mine has a pair of Pilas in it from JSBurly's and I've got guilt free lumens!
I've got an L4 and typically EDC it. One of the greatest lights in my collection.... and I don't have cheap lights in my collection.

I give the L4.... :twothumbs
Only good things about the L4 here! I really like my L4! One of my favorites! As been said before, DO NOT USE 2XRCR123! This will make it toast! Mine does not accept 17670 batts, I do run the KL4 on my E1E body with a AW RCR123, and that works fine. You get less runtime, but if you need to keep it small and still want that wall of light, its really hard to beat!

I thought it was alot of money when I bought my L4, but after that I lowerd the rib of what I thougt was expensive for a light...so I got me some more SF lights...a couple of hundred $ later Im still thirsty for more! :)
When and why was the the E2e/L4 body changed to not accept 17670 li-on batteries?
When and why was the the E2e/L4 body changed to not accept 17670 li-on batteries?

Cause the guys who run Surefire want all their customers to buy Surefire 123A cells.

I love Surefire lights.... and have zero respect for those who run the company.
Some things age like wine..and the L4 is one. I have a kroma and fenix's and let me tell ya....nothing puts a poop eating grin on my face more than firing up the L4 on fresh primaries in total darkness:naughty:
I currently love my E2L Cree but am looking for a step up Surefire. I was pretty impressed with the amount of light the E2L puts out. The L4 is a huge step up I am assuming?
Cause the guys who run Surefire want all their customers to buy Surefire 123A cells.

I love Surefire lights.... and have zero respect for those who run the company.

I have a little more respect for the guys who run Surefire for their desire to keep li-ion as well as lithium-primary battery explosions in their lights to a minimum

what can happen with an unsafe primary:

what can happen with li-ion exploding

the 9v capability of the KL1 meant that there were a lot of people running 2xr123s in an E2e/L4/E2L/E2O/E2D tube.:sick2:

Last time I checked SF is not in charge of safety of the various battery makers in Hongkong and Shenzhen, but if one of their lights blew with the Li-Ion batts, the user may go after them, the only party in the whole ordeal that can be sued in an American civil court.
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