La Crosse BC-900 / 9009 no longer? Discontinued?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 9, 2009
Salt Lake City, UT
I've been recommending co-workers to use rechargeables whenever the topic of batteries and the things their kids use comes up.

I always bring my flashlights in and bore them to death with why they are so cool, so naturally, batteries is a regular spin-off topic.

I can't (well couldn't for a while) find the La Crosse BC-900 / 9009 which I use, anywhere including Thomas distributing, amazon, ebay.

Somehow I linked it up at Thomas, (don't know how since every search parameter, and shop by brand came up with nothing) and was able to add it to the cart. My co-worker ordered it up, but I haven't found any news here about it being discontinued.

Anybody have any news?
Quite possibly - I thought it was just the older versions - oh well, I still love it - and I charge while attending.

Guess I'll pass on the tip to my friend.
I don't like that charger because of the restrictions it uses such as it stops at voltage at 1.48v and rejects what it thinks a high resistance cell. Not to mention its bulky. That's my opinion.

So the BC 9009 no longer be. or will it be revised again?
I don't like that charger because of the restrictions it uses such as it stops at voltage at 1.48v and rejects what it thinks a high resistance cell. Not to mention its bulky. That's my opinion.

So the BC 9009 no longer be. or will it be revised again?

I don't think it's the end of time for the LaCrosse charger. I suspect they are looking into the current rash of problems before they get into a lawsuit. I hope they address the problems with the current firmware beforehand.

I have both the bc-9009 and the maha c-9000 but still like the LaCrosse charger better for charging but do most of my testing / breakin with the C-9000
I don't think it's the end of time for the LaCrosse charger. I suspect they are looking into the current rash of problems before they get into a lawsuit. I hope they address the problems with the current firmware beforehand.

I have both the bc-9009 and the maha c-9000 but still like the LaCrosse charger better for charging but do most of my testing / breakin with the C-9000
I really hope so because I really like the BC-9009. Out all the chargers out there. Why did it happen to this one.

So the difference between the BC-700 and BC-900 is charging speed? Or am I missing something??.
The BC-700 has a maximum charge rate of 700ma while the BC-900 has a maximum of 1000ma while charging 4 cells and 1800ma while charging 2 cells.

Of course there is the issue of failures with the BC-900 that the BC-700 doesn't appear to suffer. I have to comment that I've got two BC-900 chargers and two BC-700 chargers that I have used dozens of times each without any problems. I do however prefer my Maha MH-C9000 charger these days, I am lazy, I can insert a AA cell and walk away knowing the default charge rate is 1000ma.
I have had a couple of BC-900's version 32 for going on almost 4 years without a problem. I never charge above 700ma on a AA or 500 MA on a AAA. I tried 1000ma a couple times and thought the batteries got too hot.
My personal preference, when charging AA cells with a BC-900 I only charge 2 cells at a time at 1000ma. All of my currently used NiMH cells are eneloops, so the charge rate I prefer is .5C or 1000ma. I only charge 2 cells at a time to keep the cells cooler, the BC-900 cell bays are very close to each other, I like the cells to have a little convection cooling due to the air space around them. [edit: I place one cell in the far left bay and one in the far right bay] That might have something to do with why I have never had any problems with the charger. But, that is just speculation on my part, as I don't know why there have been failures.

[Second edit: While I see the BC-9009 is currently unavailable at I see that they offer the BC-900, at least today: ]

[Note: just tried the BC-900 link, on 2/10/2010, and it no longer works.]
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I just spoke with La-Crosse. The representative on the phone told me that she was not aware about amazon not carrying the bc 9009. I asked her if this charger has been discontinued and I was told that this charger is still in production.

I told her about the melting problem that most users have been reporting which is the reason why amazon pulled this charger out of its inventory.

She said that this problem is not widespread enough to be a recall and most that have purchased the bc 9009 have not reported any melting issues. A small percentage of users only reported in.

I have both these chargers and I don't have a problem with it either. But as far as she told me this charger is still in production. From the looks of it it won't be discontinued.

Since buying things online I guess the last thing to rule out is watch out for counterfeit products??.
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Still unavailable on both thomasdistributing and amazon.

I like the quick and easy interface of the La Crosse, although I haven't used the Maha, my impression from reviews is that clicking the buttons to change the settings seems like a pain.
I personally like the la crosse over the maha is because it is more flexible. This charger does not reject bad cells and can still be used for low drain devices.

Granted that the maha can charge each cell at 2A. But do people really charge their cells at 2A??
Just received this from Amazon:

Greetings from

We have recently learned that La Crosse Technology, Inc. is voluntarily replacing the AC adapters used with La Crosse Technology BC-9009 AlphaPower Battery Chargers sold between October 1, 2009 and January 15, 2010. Our records indicate that you have purchased one of the La Crosse Technology BC-9009 AlphaPower Battery Chargers listed in this time frame through the website.

Below is a link and the verbiage that is on La Crosse Technology's web site.

AC Adapter Replacement for BC-9009 AlphaPower Battery Charger
La Crosse Technolology recently switched to a new AC adapter that meets California Energy Commission (CEC) requirements. La Crosse Technology has discovered that this new AC adapter has an increased voltage output; therefore we are replacing the AC adapter free of charge.

The AC adapter that needs replacement can be identified by the Roman number IV on the adapter.

Please click the following link to supply us with your shipping information in order for La Crosse Technology to send you a replacement adapter.

If you purchased this item as a gift for someone, please notify the recipient immediately and provide them with the information above.

We regret the inconvenience that this has caused you but trust you will understand that the safety of our customers is our highest priority.

Thanks for shopping at
I received that email today also. It's nice to see they are addressing the problem finally.
Just received this from Amazon:

Greetings from

We have recently learned that La Crosse Technology, Inc. is voluntarily replacing the AC adapters used with La Crosse Technology BC-9009 AlphaPower Battery Chargers sold between October 1, 2009 and January 15, 2010.

My chargers got them in August 09. I knew something was up. Ever since Aug I think that is when the meltdowns started to happen.

Now to see if my ac adapters have that roman symbol.

That also explains why I did not get no email from Amazon either.


No Roman IV symbol on both of my ac adapters. I also took the voltage readings on both my AC adapters. Both Ac adapters are giving out 3.05V. .05v has me a little concern but not too worry just that it should not be pushed any further above .05. And also because on a rare occasion one of my chargers suddenly resets itself. Though now that I think of it maybe the voltage drops when current is drawn maybe to 3V exactly??. but if the ac adapter with this roman number symbol which has a slightly higher voltage. Then I can see how this can be a problem. any voltage above 3.00V under load is a concern.

Trying to trace if its a contact problem to why one of my chargers resets itself for no reason. But I am discovering that this charger is very close to exceeding the limits that might cause the program to crash and oh boy skyrockets to a meltdown. So anyways I am in the clear and I do not have to fill out this form. Finally now we getting somewhere and its making perfect sense!!. Now I starting to understand why I am not affected by this "melting problem"
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