Laser as emergency signal device


Newly Enlightened
Feb 5, 2008
Northern BC
Hi all !

I'm a noob in the laser world and I'd like some input on laser used for signalization (I read the stickies).

I found this :

but the beam needs a target to be visible... not what I need.

In a hand held version, is there a laser that can be seen from a couple miles away without a target (beam) ? I saw pictures on the net but it's hard to judge.
Ideally, I'd like a water-resistant, couple hours autonomy (x2 123 ?), safe and legal. I think a focusable beam might be a good idea. Cheap if possible :naughty:

Actually in an emergency situation you would point this directly at your rescuing aircraft. This is not designed as a point it at something to get thier attention. As a matter of fact if you point the laser at something then they will think you are where your pointing the dot (if they even see it which is doubtful) because from the side I can guarantee that this beam in completely invisible. so you would be doing this.

(Laser)==]- stupid forum software won't let me leave just spaces in between so imagine all of this text is gone and no beam is here - (dot) Your here?
no your here!

There is no beam to follow and your not seen as the source
This device is 5mw and safe for a quick flash in the eyes of a potential rescuer. this is directly from the classification from the FDA
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I agree with you, useless unless you can beam the pilot in the eye; and as I just learn than SAR doesn't fly at night...

That's why I'm looking for a visible beam. I want to use it also to mark a position, point at direction etc...

any idea ?