Laser beam and fishing question


Oct 29, 2006
My question is how effective would a laser be for pointing out spots on the water 40-50 meters away?

If I'm standing next to a friend and i see some fish in the water about 40-50 meters away and point a laser at them, would my friend be able to see the beam point? Assuming the laser is 200mW or higher in power.

My concern is the angle would be too shallow so the beam point would not be visible.

Could the experts here please give me their opinion.
My question is how effective would a laser be for pointing out spots on the water 40-50 meters away?

If I'm standing next to a friend and i see some fish in the water about 40-50 meters away and point a laser at them, would my friend be able to see the beam point? Assuming the laser is 200mW or higher in power.

My concern is the angle would be too shallow so the beam point would not be visible.

Could the experts here please give me their opinion.

200mw? Did you want to cook the fish with the laser too?

The only problem I see is that since you are going to be in a boat or at ground level.. It might be hard to hit the location on the ground you want because of the angle you are at, it would be easier to hit it from a higher location.. but you should easily be able to see it with a laser MUCH lower than 200 mw...

I could be wrong though..

50 meters is like 50 yards right? Excuse me for be American and our stupid measuring system.
1 meter is roughly 3ft, slightly more, erm, work it ouw from there :)

I have a 30mw laser thats hitting stuff Kilometers away....(not sure about the conversion here :p)

im thinking he can catch the fish by evaporating all the water and walking around on the base of the lake/pond/ etc


What are you hitting kilometers away? Buildings? I'm thinking I should get a laser. :devil: Is it one of those expensive ones? Or will one of the dx ones do?

What are you hitting kilometers away? Buildings? I'm thinking I should get a laser. :devil: Is it one of those expensive ones? Or will one of the dx ones do?
Even talk of hosing down a building with a laser is a rather severe CPF no-no...I'd probably want to edit that post before you get into trouble here. :green:
Interesting idea and practical (fish - not building). Very handy for "sight fishing" where you spot a fish and cast for that specific fish.

I'll be around a lake with my 10/22 w/laser sight later in the week and will check and advise. Also see how polarized sunglasses (a must for sight fishing) affect it.

I'm thinking it probably won't work well in sunlight and clear water.
Even talk of hosing down a building with a laser is a rather severe CPF no-no...I'd probably want to edit that post before you get into trouble here. :green:

This is Africa, a rather lawless part of it, and I wasn't thinking of "hosing down" buildings anyway, but projecting a spot onto a blank wall.
PS: "rather lawless" is putting it very mildly. You have no idea.
This is Africa, a rather lawless part of it, and I wasn't thinking of "hosing down" buildings anyway, but projecting a spot onto a blank wall.
PS: "rather lawless" is putting it very mildly. You have no idea.

Nevertheless this is CPF and Craig is quite right. We do not support pictures or explicit talk about shooting high-powered lasers outside. This is a non-negotiable policy and yes, we know it is strict :D
You can look it up in the sticky threads in this forum.
Ok, with the cheapo red laser on my 10/22, my friend with good eyesight could see the spot, barely, at about 10yds on murky water and cloudy day. I could not see it. Polarized shades didn't seem to make much difference.

I'm confident that in clear water and sunny day the laser dot would not be visible.
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I think 200mW laser is a little higher for you to point the fish,maybe lower laser is a good choice, the important thing is the angle

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