Laser to MiniMag?AA


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 16, 2003
A few years back I seen a laser attachments that screws on to a MiniMag/AA.
Does anyone know were I can find one?

There was an minimag conversion from incandescent to LEDs... maybe that's what you're thinking of?
Illum_the_nation said:
all I can think of is a laser addon to an ipod, you sure its a minimag?
Positive! Should have bought it when I saw it, but this was just before my flashaholic period.

532nm said:
There was an minimag conversion from incandescent to LEDs... maybe that's what you're thinking of?
Those I do have, but this was a laser that screwed into the tail of a mini mag. Oh well, I might get luck.

Mini-Mags are kind of poo-pooed here at CPF; unless you yank out the incandescent bulb, stomp on it, and replace it with an LED retrofit. ;)
Lasers that attach to the Mini-Mag's that I'm not at all familiar with. :shakehead: :eek: :shakehead:
If the LED Museum guy doesn't know, you're fighting an uphill battle. Have you seen his website? He has everything on there. I'm jealous.
532nm said:
If the LED Museum guy doesn't know, you're fighting an uphill battle. Have you seen his website? He has everything on there. I'm jealous.
That's right, I'd forgotten about that site! One things for sure, the next time I see one it's mine! Thanks all for the feedback!