Leadlight Nerfaser. (yeah another leadlight post)


Apr 15, 2007
Helena, Montana
Am I correct in understanding that I've got a rare leadlight if it's capable of burning? I swear this thing has an output of 50mw+ but since I don't have any means of measureing power yet I've ordered the 30mw laser from DX. Now I'm finding that the 30mw from DX may not truly have a 30mw output so I'm going to have to find a voltmeter with au readings. I use this thing with a duty cycle of upwards to 1 minute and I'm hoping that I don't fry out the diode. Especially considering I've really got no way to measure the power going into the diode itself. Just using the standard driver from the leadlight with a cr123 rechargable battery 3v 100mah. Gonna have to go back to school to learn more electronics now as I'm feeling a bit stupid not understanding the basics of electronics. I think I've been lucky so far in not completely ruining everything I've tried modifying. Just like the judge said to me a few years ago "ignorance of the law doesn't mean you don't have to obey it" Ohms law still applies to me even if I don't understand it! LOL Anyway the next thing I'm going to do is make me a red dvd laser. I've got two or three dvd 16x burners sittin around that I'm gonna try it on.
Hopin I can count on you all to help me with the technical stuff.

For those that havn't seen my nerfaser here's pics.

I modded a leadlight to about 55mW but it is slowly dying. You really need to be careful with temperature for these ones.

Best bet is to duty cycle it - MAX of 15 sec on then let it cool. You may be able to keep the power up if you do this.

very creative pointer BTW - good idea! :grin2:
were you able to burn things with it? My pot was bad to begin with and had a flickering output instantly on new batteries so I just bypassed the pot completely by shorting it to the casing.
I know this is kind of a dying thread but I just wanted to check up on that nerfaser. How does the laser seem to be holding up with that cr123 and how exactly did you wire it to power the laser? Looks great btw :) .
You will be sad to hear that the nerfaser is now dead. Using the cr123 rechargables was a bad bad idea. They put out entirely too much power for the laser and the last time I put some freshly charged ones in it, it knocked the power down to about 1mw. I do have a picture of the guts of the nerfaser and as soon as I order a new laser I will be replacing the laser inside the nerfaser. Lemme tell ya when it came to holding the laser steady, it was alot easier to do than a pointer.

thread with guts picture is here.
Kenom - when you send the 30mw for testing, include that leadlight, as I have some 808nm diodes looking for a home - who knows, maybe I can get it back up and running for you ? :naughty:
awww sure now ya say something. I took the leadlight completely apart and have already tossed most of it. I tried to modify it to work with a red diode. Since I am not knowledgable enough in the field of optics and math I was unable to get the doggone thing focused. I pulled out the crystals for frequency doubling although I do still have everything. Will include what I have SenKat. I know your up for a challenge on putting together my "quality parts" laser I emailed you about but I think maybe the leadlight is beyond hope. Everything is still there so maybe you can fix it. Who knows. I know it's beyond my ability.
Ya want my red diode too?? LOL!!! I'm in the process of emailin aiviz for a module for my red. Do you need the circuits for both lasers as well?
Boy, that won't leave me with anything to scald, burn, point, or fiddle with LOL. The guys asking for challenge so ask and he shall receive. I'll even send the mostly dead leadlight diode. You can use it for a paperweight. Oh sorry it's not heavy enough for that. Well then, bury it and play a nice sad song while doing so as a lament to a good laser dying.
Maybe I can sell these things on ebay already made up for people to buy. of course it's gotta have plenty of warning stickers, safety features, and whatnot. I am presently seeking new employment to support my laser habit. LOL

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