Learning electronics for fun


Newly Enlightened
Jan 29, 2007
I feel like doing this, and I was wondering what book and other resources the Mod Gods here would recommend? Some sort of breadboard kit and a multimeter would be the way to go? (Btw - I'm in the UK, which may make a difference re. product names.)
Not too sure if they still have them but Radio Shack (Tandy) had some really great books for very reasonable prices in the past.
Read, read, read. Find a nice simple project and give it a try.
Learn about...
MOSFETs, they're used for switches in our lights. Either high speed switching used in step up or step down regulators for LEDs. Low speed switching used when you just use a big MOSFET in place of a high current switch in a powerfull incan.
Linear regulators or Low Drop Out regulators (LDO). These are self variable resistors that adjust their resistance to maintain a constant output voltage or current.
PWM or Switched Mode Power Supplies. These are the controllers used to build step up or stepdown drivers for LEDs. Or a PWM regulator for powerful incans like the PIR.
For PWM/Switched mode supplies requires an oscilloscope.

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