LED Bins compared?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 22, 2004
Southern California
Can someone detail all the different LED bins from the different manufacturers and list efficiency and maybe some comments, pros vs cons on each one?

I know this is maybe a big order, but maybe some other people could use this information as well?

For example we have Cree P4, Q4, Seoul, R5, U, V, Luxeon I and III, and many more and some that have multiple names. What are the lm/w ranges, max power, color issues, etc. I haven't been in this board since the Luxeons and a lot has changed since then. i guess this means times are good for us, confusing, but good.

Thanks for the help and effort.
Yes, that helps a lot. But what about the missing Q5, R5, etc?

I found information that says the Cree XR-E Q4 bin is very similar to the Rebel-100. Q4 100-107 Lumens at 350mA and Rebel 100 at 100-120 Lumens at 350 mA. From this thread - http://candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?p=2119297

That thread says the Q5 is brighter, but what is the rating for the Q5, or R5, or etc?

Thanks, just a few more for a good picture I think.
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Hm, so in order lowest lumens per watt I think we get -

Luxeon I and IIIs, then we about double performance to the P4s, then the Cree Q4 which is about equal to the Rebel 100, Cree Q5 is a little bit better, then Cree R4 is a couple steps better.