I've just got a new refrigerator today. The two bulbs inside were on for quite a long time while transferring food from old to new. I could feel the heat whenever my hands passing by them. I was wondering if any flasholics here has LED bulb in theirs?
I know those incan bulb only have a short burst for the most of time you open the frige. But if there is any LED version with fairly worm color and good price, I want to get one.
I will be searching the websites today or tomorrow for what's available now. Please post it here if you encounter one. Thanks.
I know those incan bulb only have a short burst for the most of time you open the frige. But if there is any LED version with fairly worm color and good price, I want to get one.
I will be searching the websites today or tomorrow for what's available now. Please post it here if you encounter one. Thanks.