LED car interior light problem


Newly Enlightened
Nov 1, 2006
Hi everybody!
I`ve got one problem with my enterior light in my car.
I replaced standard light bulb 10W with smd LED bar, but it still working when door is closed, but much weaker then door is open.
The car engine is off.
I measured voltage in standby, door is closed, there is a 12.6V in bulb place without bulb, but when I put this LED bar, voltage dropp approximately to 7.6V, still door closed, and some weak shine is present.
Is there any simple undervoltage circuit, that I can use for this problem, it will cut off any voltage under 10V?
I`ve noticed, that is almost similiar problem in other cars. This car is opel kadett.
Renault Twingo has the same problem, but if your engine is start, and you driving in high rpm, the LED is shining brightly, door is closed....
Thanks in advance.
:welcome: Have you tried reversing the bulb so the positive and negative connections are swapped?
No I did not, that is LED bulb , reversing it bulb will not working. :)
I had similar problem when I had aftermarket timer/dimmer in use.
Do you have that Timer/dimmer that keeps your interior lights on for small time after door is closed and then fades off.
I just took it off and led light worked fine afterwards.
It seems that those circuits draw few mA current all the time and makes leds light.

Or there could be small current leak at door switches. Try cleaning contacts.

I tried to clean a contacts, but no result.
No I was not put fade circuit in the car, this was assembled only with led light bar. The same problem is with that light fade circuit I` ve made.
then I took zener diode in series with fade circuit and source, and that glimmer effect is gone :).
Problem solved.
Check your dome light switch. Keep it on 'door' instead of 'on.'

This is what happened to me, so it might be the case for you too, and it wouldn't hurt to check.

If that switch is the only way you can manually turn on/off the domes, then it won't solve the problem, sorry.
this could be normal. I've got a 2003 tundra that the stock lights dim when the door is opened. I suspect it is simply poor design. If you want it fixed and fixed, spend the money on a driver that will operate in the 7-15 volt range with spike protection and use an appropriate LED. TaskLED.com is a good source for parts or bulb replacements. Its what I've come across in my travels, though I have not purchased any of their products, reading suggests they have good stuff.