LED evening wear


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 16, 2008
Brentwood, CA Not LA
I saw this at the Chicago museum of science and industry.

It is a dress made up of LEDs. the LEDs blink and make the light pattern change.





I wants a pair of LED pants and maybe a jacket you didn't happen to see that did you?

On a more serious note I wonder where they get their LED's from.

One more thing where does the women hide the power supply...humm
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I have a pair of cufflinks with 3mm white LED's built into them running off a couple of tiny button cells. Not quite the same scale but it keeps up my reputation ( of being wierd about lights ) at work.
I have a pair of cufflinks with 3mm white LED's built into them running off a couple of tiny button cells. Not quite the same scale but it keeps up my reputation ( of being wierd about lights ) at work.

we definitely need a picture of that
don't spill wine on it, and don't even consider machine wash medium and tumble dry high...

heck, I don't think you can dry wash that either:thinking:
everybody should wear one of these when crossing the street. a 3 piece for men of course
Maybe the power is supplied using the electrical properties of the sweat created by the massive amount of heat those emitters must give off.
Re: 24,000 LED dress

Shoot, sorry for the re-post. I searched first before posting but came up with nothing.
My bad. :mecry: