LED Flashlight suggestions

shine the way

Newly Enlightened
Jul 17, 2015
I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction on choosing a flashlight.

I am looking for something that is moederately small that has a decent throw. A light that was rechargeable would be a bonus. I am not very familiar with all the different cells etc but have been learning things over the past few months reading throughout the forums.

I am looking for something that I can take with me on a lake to use at night and spot channel markers. I have used my newest purchase (Fenix UC 40 UE) for a bit but as wonderful and bright as the light is, I have learned that it just stops a bit short of where I would like to see into the distance.

In my area there are not a lot of retailers around with high end flashlights and I would prefer to look at a light and hold it in my hands before purchase. That being said, I do know of a store that does carry Fenix, Olight, Jetbeam and Nitecore. Of those manufacturers, could you reccomend any lights to look into?

Thanks for your help,


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Check into a Coast HP7R rechargeable.

It's a pretty good light quality wise, comes with 2 batteries that can be charged in the light or out, has a zoom focus head that can throw 1000+ feet and rechargeable battery lasts several hours.

smoking stroker

Newly Enlightened
Jan 24, 2015
I have not found any local stores around me that sell lights other than one gun shop but all they sell is surefire.. if you have any gun shows coming up id go to one. Usually there are vendors there selling olight frnix nitecore ect. Just a thought..
I highly recommend the nitecore mh20 and or olight sr30

shine the way

Newly Enlightened
Jul 17, 2015
Reading some of the other threads i am a bit unsure on the nitecore MH20. When i first saw it posted i really liked it and thought about it as a gift for my dad. However there have been some varying reviews with possible future quality issues. Plus the MH20 has similar specs to the fenix uc 40 ue that i already own. Would the MH20 out throw the fenix? I will certainly read more about the olight sr30. The one store does sell some olight although they seem to be older models. They are supposed to be getting the olight s1 that i would really like to get for an edc.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 29, 2012
I have been using Nitecore's MH20 and EC4 lights and I have been happy with these choices; time will tell if they can stand up over time.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 16, 2011
Yes, the Javelots are all designed for extra throw. Of the manufacturers you listed, the Javelots are probably your best bet.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 12, 2006
...............I am looking for something that is moederately small that has a decent throw. A light that was rechargeable would be a bonus. I am not very familiar with all the different cells etc but have been learning things over the past few months reading throughout the forums.............. I have used my newest purchase (Fenix UC 40 UE) for a bit but as wonderful and bright as the light is, I have learned that it just stops a bit short of where I would like to see into the distance.
If you have the UC40UE, and if that stops a bit short for you then I recommend something that can get some more throw..........something in the 33,000 lux or higher spot density. There are a lot of flashlights with a similar beam pattern as the UC40UE.........pretty much every light with an XM-L2 that is powered off of a 18650 battery and has the same size head.

I'm not a fan of electronic on/off side switches nor the built in battery charging capability. Also they will limit your choice as there are a lot more lights without built in chargers as there with. But I have some recommendations for you otherwise.

It's a constant battle in compromise between something that is small, powerful with decent run time. The two basically don't go together. So first up for a smallish light that has some throw is the Nitecore MT20C, 18650 light with the XP-G2 LED. For an XP-G2 which is a smaller die than the XM-L2 and the MT20C is driven pretty hard at max mode and it has a bit of throw for a smallish 18650 light. You can find that on sale for around $42.

If money is no object, then I'd get an EagleTac T25C2 XP-L HI. This is an LED with the dome removed and it has more throw. It accomplishes the same as an XM-L2 with a bigger head. Yet the T25C2 XP-L HI has a smaller head. I know of many guys that love this light. It's bit pricey in the $100 area.

There is always the bigger headed XM-L2 lights. One such light that I like that is my current thrower is the ArmyTec Viking V3. Now there are lights that take multiple cells that have a lot more throw.......but they are also a lot more money and a lot bigger. So the compromise might be to get something in the same size of the Viking with around 33,000 center lux.

If you are not geared towards external charging of 18650 lithium ion batteries, the 4xAA Sunwayman D40A has some throw. That's because the reflector is wide and it takes about 4 AA batteries to accomplish what a single 18650 can do. But this kind of takes away the "moderately" smallish form factor though.

Just some thoughts :).
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Jan 5, 2015
Upstate NY
Does your boat have 12-volt? As someone who almost hit an unlighted concrete channel marker in the St. Lawrence River, I'd use a plug-in spotlight and have the UC40 as backup. My Dad bought one of those inexpensive multi-million-candlepower spotlights from a discount place, and that's the light that saved us. Knowing Dad, I doubt that light cost over $25 or $30.

On an unrelated note, I'll bet that some less fortunate person did hit that marker - it's gone now, and I'm sure it took something life threatening for the Coast Guard to get it out of there.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 30, 2014
Fairfax Va
OP where I and other forum members are going to get caught up is your request for a USB rechargeable light that does all that you said you want it to do. You will get back from us suggestions especially starting out with the MH20 mine is flawless and throws well beyond the rated 12500 candela it is in my opinion the best Nitecore I have ever handled let alone bought but you are talking about the need to spot channel markers and buoys which I can relate to as I live along the Potomac River here outside DC I realize it WILL take more than an MH20 to get that job done.

You are going to have to drop the moderately small request if you want serious output and throw AND rechargeable mini USB my suggestion, my very STRONG suggestion is going to be for what is the best larger high output stock light I have ever bought and that is my 20 years of collecting lights advice is for the Olight SR52 with a stonking 102000 candela or the even more stonking SR52UT with 200000 candela. Either SR52 will throw as far if not farther than your eye can see, they both have a very solid built in mini USB charging port with charge indicator(both SR52's take 3 18650's charging all 3 in the light from depletion will take several hours)but the upside to the lights mass and the expense of 3 18650's is that you will get a full almost unmatched 4 hours at full blast before it steps down. I cannot think of any other high output light that can match that ability let alone beat it at this performance level without adding on extension tubes.

I own both big Javelots and they are phenomenal throwers especially for their more compact size BUT neither has built in micro USB like the SR52's and neither comes remotely close to the SR52's ability to run flat out on turbo for four hours. I have the extension tubes on both my big Javelots for 2x18650(2x3600mah Orbtronic 18650 each)which does indeed almost double the runtime on turbo but youve gotta remember that regular run time on turbo for either Javelot on 1x18650 is a mere 6-8 minutes before it drops off into regulation so I now get a solid 12-16 minutes on turbo with either Javelot set up 2x18650.

I read a suggestion for the new EC4 Nitecore. This is actually a very good suggestion. Two separate independent tests in the reviews section of the forum have the EC4 maintaining fully regulated turbo output for an astonishing hour and a half or more. This is the first Nitecore that I am aware of that is capable of this. The EC4 is NOT mini USB rechargeable though and its candela is meager compared to the Olights mentioned above at 30000. Still 30000 is nothing to sneeze at thats 3 times the range of your excellent UC40UE and would make an outstanding light for the coat pocket that has the output of your UC40UE, more turbo run time than you will likely use all at the same time and has 3 times the punch(range)of your Fenix. I dont own the EC4 yet but will very soon and am looking forward to it.

Okay OP all that being said here is what spotting channel markers in the lake(sounds like one BIG lake!)breaks down to in relation to your UC40UE. The suggested MH20 throws about an eighth of the UC40UE's range further than the UC40UE. The regular SR52 throws TEN TIMES further and maintains full output for FOUR HOURS before step down and has built in USB. SR52UT same features as the standard SR52 bit the UT version throws TWENTY TIMES further than your UC40UE as does the M2X UT and the M3XS-UT Javelot throws a jaw dropping 26-28 TIMES AS FAR as your UC40UE but both Javelots have very short turbo run time and do not have built in USB.

Granted either SR52 is the size of a medium sized brick and weighs about as much BUT as custom modder Vinh Nguyen (v54) over in the custom modders part of the forum has said the SR52 is so well designed and built that heat sinking just is not an issue, the SR52 glass lens is over 2mm thick(!!). Like I said before SR52 is the greatest high output general purpose stock light I have ever used or purchased yes its big but its performance out of the box as far as I now is unmatched by anything from anyone else I quite proudly belt carry my SR52 in the included huge sheath which is above average quality. Both SR52 come with quality micro USB charging cables and either a wal wart or car USB 12v charger.

Second place high output genral purpose light in my opinion is any Fenix TK35. TK35 and EC4/EC4S are roughly in the same category but the TK35 averages roughly 50 yards more in throw but has half the run time on turbo as the EC4. Good luck and keep us posted....

shine the way

Newly Enlightened
Jul 17, 2015
Wow.. i thought i was confused before. Certainly much more to consider.

So what it looks like is to get a decent thrower in a smallish form factor i will have to give up the onboard usb charging. That seems like the logical trade off and should be the part i give up on. I could always take some spare cells with me and just look into a decent charger and cells.

The body of water that i sometime run on is quite large but i generally prefer to run in daylight hours. The light will be more for an emergency or showing off to some friends. They have the bigger boat so i should have the bigger light (longer throwing).

The choices are narrowing down and i will look into all those suggested and try to make an informed decision. I am leaning towards the olight javelot throwers as they seem relatively small and throw quite well. The larger sr52 does seem quite nice but not sure i can find one locally. I really wish i had all the choices everyone in the US has for retailers.

With every post it becomes more evident that i will start becoming more of a flashaholic as so many different lights are good for specific duties/situations. Would love to carry around vin's modded oligt s1, that would be my ideal edc.

Again thanks for all the responses so far. Apparently i have some homework to do and all your suggestions are making it a bit easier.

Parrot Quack

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 10, 2015
Magalia, CA
The light will be more for an emergency or showing off to some friends. They have the bigger boat so i should have the bigger light (longer throwing).

Then get a Nitecore TM16 or TM36. Both will automatically put a smile on anybody's face. The TM16 is the cheapest and it's a floody thrower and the TM36 is, in my opinion, an uber expensive thrower. Lake boat? The TM16. Ocean boat, both the TM16, the TM36 and a HC4.


Apparently i have some homework to do and all your suggestions are making it a bit easier.

Buy, play and enjoy.


And as I tell my wife, it's either that or a 225 H.P. outboard, not counting the boat.
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shine the way

Newly Enlightened
Jul 17, 2015
Lol... already gave my wife the deal. She gets to choose the boat and i got to choose the 200 hp 4 stroke. I guess i can't use that one anymore.

Yeah we tend to venture out into georgian bay with some friends. It's a beautiful water way full of lots of treachery. We use a small nav system but it's better to be able to light up a marker before hitting it or running over it. I've seen it happen and come close on my jet ski... nothing like following your friends boat in the middle of the night and missing a marker by mere inches. Instantly thought of weekend at burnies.

I did read about the TM 16 and 36 but also thought i read about someone using some bad cells and the thing basically blowing up on them. That kind of scared me and put me off from reading anymore about them but probably an isolated thing.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 30, 2014
Fairfax Va
OP sorry to confuse you just laying out lots of experience for you. Once you actually get say either SR52 or either Javelot you will find yourself using it a lot more than you think. These lights are just so darn good at what they do it will be like having a second set of eyes almost. Out of the 4 Olights suggested I myself personally would get the SR52UT as the overall beam profile is more useful all the way across it. The hyper concentrated throw beam out of the Javelots will give you kind of a tunnel vision thats locked onto the throw beam and its hot spot kind of shutting out what is actually huge spill. SR52 and SR52UT have spill portions of the beam that more closely match the hot spot thus eliminating tunnel vision meaning all of the beam is very concentrated not just the hot spot. The SR52UT matches the tested here in the forums 200000 candela or over 800 meters.

If you get one of the Javelots I highly advise the bigger M3XS-UT as it is just easier to use for one it has a side switch to change modes as opposed to having to turn the head of the M2X to change modes. Also the M3XS-UT has a clean beam profile with no artifacts. M2X beam profile is full of artifacts for some reason(mine has several rings around the hot spot). M2X does NOT come with the extension tube it needs to be ordered separately while M3XS-UT does indeed come with the extension tube. M3XS-UT will also have the biggest "holy sh*t!!" factor with your friends the beam out of the M3XS-UT is a freaking laser that just doesnt seem to stop.

Batteries-any Panasonic based 3400mah 18650 you can get. You are not in the US so Idk what is available to you. Personal 3400mah favorite are by Keeppower Idk if you can get those where you are or not. Skip the Nitecore Tiny Monsters the only Tiny Monster that beats the M3XS-UT in throw is the $500 TM36 which is so big it requires a shoulder strap to use.

Parrot Quack

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 10, 2015
Magalia, CA
There is the handheld lite version that can be had for $350.00 USD (Amazon) which is the same light as the TM36 but without the rechargeable battery pack. Yes, it's a masher that will light you way and impress your friends. :D

TM36 Lite.

My apologies for leaving "Lite" out of the identifying label.
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