LED flashlights and saltwater enviroment

Federal LG

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 8, 2007

I intend to go on a trip with some friends, and I expect to stay some time in a "atlantic forest" near beach and a night in a boat, for ocean fishing.

What saltwater or sea air can do to LED flashlights ?

I mean, everything of metal suffers corrosion near the sea... Which is the better way to prevent that ?

Does someone lives near sea, or have any experience in this enviroment using LED flashlights ?

What should I do ?

I´ll not dive with the lights... just have them in the camp site (forest near beach) and on the boat.

I intend to carry my Surefire L1 and my Fenix TK20.
I love my lights, and I don´t want to have rust spots on it... :mecry:

Advices, please ?
I use dive lights for diving : a HAIII Barbolight and a plastic UK, but i have swan in the see with a VB-16 or jetbeams without problems. I also used in boats other lights.
Only problem was one time with a fenix p1, the HAIII "disolved" in some areas, but dont know why (i noted ir after a dinner in a small island during night).

I think you can use any drunkable light, clean it with fesh water after use.

This is my fenix now:


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