LED Lenser X21


Newly Enlightened
Jan 25, 2010
South Africa, Johannessburg
Hi Guys

New here, just joined, wanted to get your guys opinions
I currently have the fenix TK 40 and the led Lenser P7
I love them both cause always go camping. I got rechargable battery with a Maha charger so battery are never a problem.

I found the Led Lenser X21 on the Internet recently, It got my attention!! but will it blow my TK40 out the water or will i be dissapointed, Also My tk 40 at max power can only go for 15 mins till it start blinking to cool down, how does the led lenser work, can it stay on longer than 20 mins before it need to cool down.

All infomation would be helpful:wave:
A friend of mines has the X21 and that thing is pretty big (I'd venture to say its the size of a 4D Mag Lite at 16 in long) and is much heavier (it comes with a shoulder strap, recommend using it). It does have a nice focus (flood to spot) and it will blow away the TK40 at the expense of size and weight.

Not sure about the run time and its been on and off within a few minutes. It does use 4 D cell batteries so you should be good to go.

i fell in love with the sales blurb of the lenser x21 which st8ts it lite path will beam 500 meters, after spendin $500 n.z dollars the reality is that the lite beam did not range that distance and it was not a narrow pencil beam that can britely illumin8t the target at the 500 meter range as needed....howevr im disapointed with the false and missleading lenser advertising blurb needless to say.

i sent the expenisve widget back to the importer for them to return me a lenser x21 that can deliver that 500 meter pencil beam.
the reality is the h14 headlamp and p14 delivers the 100 to 250 meter lite which the x 21 wil in reality.
im eagerly awaiting the return of a pencil beam x21 if theres such a thing.

I have a mate who's got an X21. It has that WOW factor, but its a fairly dated torch now. There's lots of newer regulated torches around that will do a similar or better job for less money. On new alkalines, you can actually see a reduction in output after about 10 minutes or so. The flood to spot adjustment is great, especially if you want to light a large area. IMHO LL have sat on their haunches with this one, and everyone else has sort of passed them by ( eg; TK70 ). Imagine an X21 with 3 XML emitters behind optics. I dont know how the limited regulation would handle NiMh cells, and to keep it in fresh alkalines would become costly after a while. Just my 2 cents worth, feel free to critique.
Best wishes, Mike.

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