LED nightlights that give off a lot of light needed


Aug 15, 2007
My chinchilla is always hopping around at night. If he doesn't have enough light he hurts himself and I have to come running to make sure he's alright. I've started leaving a lamp on in the next room along with a cheap LED nightlight I got at Walmart.

The nightlight doesn't give off much light and the lamp in the next room is probably sucking down the electricity.

What are some LED night lights that give off a lot of light?
how abt diy one?

:) in the course, u might love the process of diy ....

jus get some 5mm leds and hook them up with 2 D cells without drivers ... thats my nightlight too :x
I have a string of white christmas lights strung in a hallway in my basement. It gives a nice shadow-free light and only uses a few watts.

In about 8 days you'll be able to buy some for half price (I'd guess).

I gave up on nitelites. Use a 2 watt or 3 watt Cree LED bulb in a standard lamp.

Here is my current night light setup - 2 watt Cree in the hallway. The light runs 24/7.
The light on the lower left is a 3 LED nitelite for comparison. As you also found out those things are useless. Doesn't light anything up.

I have a 21 LED candelabra base bulb on the way. According to the dimensions it may or may not fit into a 7 watt incandescent nitelite. Will try to remember to report when it gets here.
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I got some at the dollar store (Dollar Tree) to be exact. They had brilliant blue LED's that shone through clear plastic shapes (lighthouse, sea shell, etc.).

They're bright enough to light up a small room, and the price was right!
That's interesting, Bob. I'd seen these at Dollar Tree, but somehow resisted. Nice to know they're more than just "guide light" brightness.

I've never tried hooking lights up and have never soldered anything before. How hard would it be for me to try this in the future? Batteries are definitely out as I just want to use the electricity for ease of use.
Hmmm...Perhaps instead of a brighter light, a smarter chinchilla is in order... :poke:

j/k, Your best bet would be to go to menards and buy one of the sylvania LED light bulbs.
I have a few of those screw in nightlight bulb LED replacements with 3x5mm LEDs in them. with dark adjusted eyes they can light up stuff within about 2-3 feet under the LEDs the area they light is more like about 6 feet in diameter. I swapped one out on my fridge door light for dispensing ice/water and leave it on 24/7 so you don't need to turn on the light now to get something from the fridge, I have one above my answering machine, an indoor/outdoor thermometer/and caller ID box in the living room. When they burn out or get too dim I will probably swap an old luxeon into them perhaps change the resistor to accomodate what light level I choose.
Walgreens usually has a two-pack of LED night light replacement bulbs. Wal-mart carried quite a few LED replacement bulbs that may be worth a look too.
I was just at Walmart and was in their nightlight section. I didn't see any LED replacement bulbs.

Does anyone have a link for what I am looking for?
I was just at Walmart and was in their nightlight section. I didn't see any LED replacement bulbs.

Does anyone have a link for what I am looking for?

I don't recall walmart having any nightlight LED replacement bulbs (small screw in base fitting 7 watt incan bulb sockets). I got mine from Walgreens for $2 each. one of my 4 bulbs died after awhile but the other 3 seem to just keep working and haven't dimmed noticeably.
Did you check the lightbulb section at Wal-mart? My (sort of) local Wal-mart has a big section with GE 10W LEDs (~$40), GE 7W LEDs (~$30), and some large 60, 30, 26, etc. LED bulbs.

I have a 3.5W LED bulb made by Lights of America that I got for about $10. The Lights of America bulbs are in a seperate aisle from the GE LEDs and the CFLs at my store.
This thread belongs in the fixed lighting section...

Don't buy those cheap LED bulbs with a bunch of 5mm LEDs in them. Most are junk and will fade in a month. Lights of America has a poor reputation.

Try one of the Sylvania lamps with a single LED and reflector. It will cost around $20, but it should last.
I used to breed Chincillas years ago. Fantastic pets that should really be more popular.

While they are nocturnal they don't have very good night vision. One thing they really like are big cage wheels, which you can find in some specialty stores.

I see LED night lights in discount stores all the time for a couple bucks, and most are brighter than they have to be. For the price, I don't care if it only lasts a year or so.
I found a light for 25 dollars at walmart that is 100 lumens and projects the light straight forward. I am ceiling bouncing it all day long. It is more then enough light for him. I bet he loved it last night :D

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