LED was discovered by a Russian 80 years ago

LED Forty Years Older Than Thought

LED Forty Years Older Than Thought

"The discovery of the LED is usually credited to four US groups in 1962, but an unrecognized Russian genius got there forty years before. Oleg Losev even filed a patent on using his device for long range communications, and wrote to Einstein to ask for help with the theory — but got no reply."



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Okay, to be clear, Losev discovered a property of a diode, he didn't invent the LED. Bit of a difference. That's okay; how long did it take us to recognize Tesla's contribution to radio?
Re: LED Forty Years Older Than Thought

cy said:
LED Forty Years Older Than Thought

"The discovery of the LED is usually credited to four US groups in 1962, but an unrecognized Russian genius got there forty years before. Oleg Losev even filed a patent on using his device for long range communications, and wrote to Einstein to ask for help with the theory — but got no reply."

Probably got cought by the junk mail filter, being from Russia and all :p
OK,.. who developed and made sweeping patents on the OLED.
orbital said:
OK,.. who developed and made sweeping patents on the OLED.

OLED is really a pretty broad term - each group trumpets it's contribution as "the" OLED breakthrough. I believe Kodak is credited with the first multi-level OLED - Ching Tang and Steven Van Slyke are generally listed as lead researchers. If you stretch the definition to include electroluminescent polymers, there are patents going to the 60's at least.

This is way outside my area of expertise - maybe someone who actually knows something :) can post the earliest patent.

Some History.
xiaowenzu said:
Cool. Some yankee doodle named Faraday discovered it in 1861.. that's about 80 years before the Russian invented it.:)

The letter is from Ernest Glitch to Faraday!