ledcorp "3D MAG" rep bulb 300% brighter?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2001
Houston, TX

Looking for a way to get a brighter, cleaner, larger spot on my 3D mag and came across this product at ledcorp:
Professional Series 3
"The Most Advanced Single LED Replacement Bulb Available on the Market Today."

It 39.00, and they say in the ad "300% Brighter".

Of course Marketing 101 tells us that 300% brighter is not a VALID claim. 300% brighter than what? A match? A firefly?

Not making fun of them, but if this is true, that the IMPLIED suggestion of 300% brighter than the standard Maglight bulb, that would be GREAT.

They also have a DUAL LED bulb, that seems to me to me it would be brighter than any single led bulb:
Dual LED Replacement Bulb

Anyone have any experience with either of these bulbs in a 3D Mag?

I believe they mean 300% brighter than the standard led replacements. I think that is a luxeon star led. there was a conversation about this in the led forum. it would be dimmer than the bulb you already have in your mag. when i get bored enough I might order some 5600 white leds or a luxeon star and make my own conversion.
If you go all the way to the purchasing page, it says that the dual-LED option is for non-focusing applications.
Since you probably want the Mag to focus properly, a double point source would also show a peculiar beam I believe. Use the single LED option for a Mag-Lite.

You also get some note about "orange peel" reflectors being suitable for certain types of Ledcorp PR LED's.

Silly not to have that in the details at the start, really.

If you want a larger spot beam, you'll have to get an incandescent ......


How about this, I read bits and pieces of this here, and was thinking of using the halogen 2D Cell bulb from Radio Shack, and use the Metal Hydride (NiMH I think) rechargable batteries from Radio Shack in a Mag 3D light.

Any thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BuddTX:

How about this, I read bits and pieces of this here, and was thinking of using the halogen 2D Cell bulb from Radio Shack, and use the Metal Hydride (NiMH I think) rechargable batteries from Radio Shack in a Mag 3D light.

Any thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance!

I used the 2D Halogen with non-rechargeables and blew the bulb in about a half hour of steady burning.

Looking forward to hearing your comments after you install it. I think you need to do a "dummy" battery for the 4C, but you probably already know that.

What exactly is this:

"25+ NSPW500BS Nichias"

I am assuming it is a bulb.

Did it make a significant difference in the maglight?

And where can I get them?

I haven't checked Telephony's site( the LED museum) lately, but i remember something about his recommending the 2 cell LED bulb of this type, because that is the voltage it is designed for. The higher-cell capacity LEDs use resistors to step down the voltage/current, so are not as efficient. Please correct me if I am wrong, or not up to date...(Are these the same LS LEDs that were originally in very heavy (brass?) bases?)