LEDs, drive circuitry and EMP


Jul 25, 2007
Somewherein, Ohio
With the increase in usage of LEDs in critical use lights, I'm wondering what the consensus is about their vulnerability to Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP). Is the aluminum body enough to protect the circuitry? What about the emitter itself; is leaving it bezel down on a non-conductive surface any kind of protection? Should we all be storing our unused flashlights in Faraday enclosures?
Try searching for "emp" and "nuclear" and "electromagnetic pulse" and you will get several dozen threads on the subject.
Same here! :whistle:

This usually comes down to 4 or 5 guys throwing out numbers and citing a couple of tests done before our current level of flashlight tech.

I'll sum it up with this: We are not sure and when we become sure it will hardly matter anymore since we will all be dead or dying.

I just hope I go out with at least 1 light in the ON position. :tinfoil:
Sorry guys, I've only been hanging around here for a little over a year. I did a search and found only one thread actually dedicated to EMP and flashlights from 3 years ago. If there are more recent ones, I am sorry and would be grateful if you could point me in the right direction

As a 'prepared' person, I started with the essentials, moved to more complex preps and recently am looking at EMP protection. Just last night thought about LED flashlights. Once again, sorry if this is redundant.