kyazh said:
As many of you know, many car makers are going to start implementing leds into headlights
They talk about it a lot, but there don't seem to be any actual products.
kyazh said:
I want to make a set of LED fog lights for myself. Many of you use high power LEDs for flashlights which might be suitible for this application. What would you recommend? What method should I use to focus the light?
You should realize that if you pull this off, you will have one of the first such systems in the world. LEDs in automotive settings have been doing nicely as indicator lights, but not so good for illuminating the surroundings.
You will need to go with high power LEDs. At least one watt apiece. Nothing else is strong enough. Heat will be a concern, so you will have to come up with housings that double as heat sinks. You will have to work with reflectors or optics to shape the beam fairly tightly, and the finished unit will need to be easy to adjust, otherwise when they go out of whack you won't fix them, because it'll be too much fuss.
My preference would be to start looking for metal housings and mountings from some existing product, perhaps an existing car light that's got an OK reflector. You might tour a junkyard or two, see if anything would adapt.
If it was me, I would look into designing strips or modules, and I would run a continous line of them across the chin of the car. This would give you very even light. You might consider amber, pale yellow, or warm white, although the W.W. are not too strong. As txmatt said, you must feed them regulated current. CPF is an excellent place to pick up some sweet regulated current drivers. I have one on my car I got off CPF member "Meteor" a couple of years ago, it's been totally reliable.
There is also the observation that LED light does not seem to have the "throw" of incandescent light. We don't know why, but a number of members have observed this, so you need to have keep a rein on your expectations - you could build it all perfectly and find it still was lame, we don't know for sure, 'cause no one's done it and there aren't any commercial examples.
That being said, if you do build one, we want pix!