A coffee filter and alcohol!!
GREAT!! :twothumbs
Thanks for the info guys!!
Much Appreciated!!
I'd be scared to jam and twist a
completleydry cloth onto one of these lenses.......
I've heard that these laser lenses are very easily scratched and ruined!!
Using a dry cloth on ANYTHING that has dirt or dust on it could easily cause scratching,
especially on such a delicate lens.....
My X thought she was doing me a favor by using a very soft, and very clean dry diaper to dust off my black Vette

You could see the fine swirl scratches it caused when the light hit it just right!!

Had to color sand and re-buff the entire car to bring back the flawless look.....2 days of sand papered bloody finger tips and hard work for a 2 minute mistake....
To me, it sounds like a fine mist of pure alcohol on a coffee filter is the safest bet....
I've heard that these lenses can scratch, even if you look at them wrong!!
Thanks again for the replies and helpful info. :bow:
~Steve~ Las Vegas NV