LEO flashlights...



As an LEO, flashlights make up an important part of my duty gear. Currently, I have an M3 Tactical Illuminator dedicated to my G17, a Pelican 'Black Knight'(C-cell version) as my primary flashlight, and a Princeton Tech 'Blast'(2AAA version) in my pocket at all times....just in case.
Back in my night-shift days, all we had were 5-cell MagLites (mine was 5-cell, anyway) and it was a wonderful burden. I used the hi-amp rechargeables and often wondered if the extra weight was worth it.

Times have changed for the better since the early 70s -- at least where LEO lighting is concerned. These SureFires are so much better. Even this little Scorpion is vastly superior. As far as a weapon is concerned, only poking was allowed with the big MagLite. The thing would have been lethal if swung.

You do have nice tools...
My Pelican 'Black Knight' stays in my unit unless I get out for a traffic stop or a walk-thru at the local projects. My M3 STAYS on my G17...no 2 ways about it! It's a GODSEND to have during building searches. As for the TINY 'Blast'....I don't even know it's there...until I need it...but it's bulb is HELL on batteries!
Shooter1201, no offense but the Pelican Black Knight C-cell as an primary duty light seems like an odd choice for a LEO. Do you use rechargeable batteries in it?

Greetings & Best Wishes,
How is your Pelican's beam? Dark rings? Laser narrow? I had this light for a very short time. I lost it right away, without comparing with other flashlights or making an opinion about the beam quality etc

According to Pelican it's supposed to have 67 lumens output. How does it compare with Surefire E2 or P60?
On my duty belt, I have a Streamlight Stinger XT in a covered holder. It used to be in an ASP holder. Being too lazy to take the ASP holder off my belt, I keep a M3 in it. I keep a M4 in the squad for High Risk Stops. When not out oppressing people, I usually have either a Scorpion, or my E2 in my pocket. In my pickup, I have a Vulcan, a UltraStinger,and a LiteBox. Last Saturday, I stopped at the Galyan's in Richfield, Minn., while visiting relatives, and got myself a Legend LX, a PolyStinger, and a Princeton Tec Blast. ( Can you tell I am a Batchelor Badger?)
For my purposes, my 'Black Knight' is great. It slices through fog, smoke and haze. I have the traffice wand for it also. At 20 yards, it's beam diameter is approximately 2-3 feet.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by shooter1201:
My M3 STAYS on my G17...no 2 ways about it! It's a GODSEND to have during building searches. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hi Shooter,

A question from a non-LEO. How does an officer holster a pistol with an M3 attached? Isn't it very unwieldy?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by shooter1201:
[QB]Safariland solved that problem with the introduction of the Model 6280 holster.QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK, thanks

It fits my hand MUCH better than a D-celled MagLite or similar rechargeable unit. Its sure-grip rubber covering is also a PLUS, over the cold, metal housing of the MagLite. As for batteries, I use alkaline Engerziers or alkaline Ray-o-Vacs. I get, perhaps, a month of use from a set of batteries.