LEO forgets about batteries...


May 21, 2008
So I'm working last night and get dispatched to an alarm call -- way out of the city and in a somewhat remote area -- it's an old building on a huge property with other derelict buildings on site. "Front office motion" is what we get on our screens.

The rookie on our shift (a great guy by the way!) comes to assist me. It's quite dark and we are using our lights to illuminate around the huge property and buildings. By now the alarm has shut off, so we are checking for any evidence of anyone hiding around on site, or looking for signs of entry. I'm using a Surefire 6P with Malkoff M60, powered by two AW16340's (17670 in a pocket as backup). He's using a Scorpion LED. I illuminate a deer bounding away just adjacent to one of the buildings from about 200ft away.

Alarm turns out to be false, as we are lighting our way up the path back to where we parked our cruisers, the rookie turns to me and says

"Man! That light of yours is bright, tell me where you got it, I'm going to buy one!"

So, I explain to him the cost, drop in, etc... he kind of gets discouraged and says

"well, I need something brighter than this POS anyway! It used to be bright, but now it sucks!"

I tell him I"m surprised because my S/O has a Scorpion LED and it's quite bright with decent throw (his is a dismal 15 lumens maybe).

Then it dawns on me...

"bro, you bought that light when you started at the college right?" (which would be about 8 months ago).


"When did you change the batteries last?"

"Well, I didn't. They are the same ones that came with my light. They cost about $15 for 2!"

"Bro, get new batteries."

"Oh. Uh... oh."

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$15 for two?

Even by drug store standards, he got ripped off. Let the poor ******* know of a couple of places he can go online to get cells... Cause you know he'll eventually discover cheap @$$, made in China, cells; on eBay. :duck:
Well, for giving me such a good laugh, he's getting a free pair of fresh battery station (USA) cells today.

And I've already pointed him to a few retailers that sell them for for about $3-4/ea. (Keep in mind folks, I'm talking Canadian prices here).

I've also told him next time I stock up, I'll let him know and he can go in on a bulk buy online. He's not an "online" type of fellow. :whistle:
Very nice of you to "hook him up." I'm sure he'll be excited to have a good working light again.
hah good story, poor guy.

he will probably always remembered of this mistake. rookie mistakes get memorized. and brought up periodically by others :)

but i sure hope he takes better care and attention of other equipment he has. forgetting to reload the gun after shooting at the track might come back to haunt one when SHTF. it might be your life that is in the balance.
hah good story, poor guy.

he will probably always remembered of this mistake. rookie mistakes get memorized. and brought up periodically by others :)

but i sure hope he takes better care and attention of other equipment he has. forgetting to reload the gun after shooting at the track might come back to haunt one when SHTF. it might be your life that is in the balance.

Oh, in this situation it wasn't so much a life/death incident -- more of a comedic one. But I have long preached how it could be a different story if your light suddenly "dies".
I guy who started college 8 months ago (placing his age, what, early 20s?) who isnt into to "online" stuff?

i didnt know such a person existed!

I guy who started college 8 months ago (placing his age, what, early 20s?) who isnt into to "online" stuff?

i didnt know such a person existed!


Police college, and he's actually in his mid 40's, with 3 kids. So he's not the average starting age for this career, but he was determined!
Funny story, Foxtrot. Thank goodness his batteries didn't quit when he really needed them.

I've been picking Surefire 123s at our local Lowe's for about $5/pair. I don't know if Lowe's operates in Canada but if they do it's worth a look.
to Foxtrot29 --

Cool story. Thank you for sharing. :)

Best of Luck (and health) to you, and to your rookie partner.

Stay Safe out there.

It's sad we don't go through more low light training. It's pretty common knowledge most Police involved shootings occur in low light to no light. Yet most training happens during the day.

Luckily our academy in Tennessee does a lot of low light scenarios. Flashlights still aren't covered though.

With that said, whether it's Dept. training, or academy training, LEOs should get some flashlight training.
Police college, and he's actually in his mid 40's, with 3 kids. So he's not the average starting age for this career, but he was determined!
Ahh, okay that makes sense then...:)

maybe you should persuade your department to get some low level light training from sure fire...:naughty:

comes with a free G2Z combatlight i believe..

Ahh, okay that makes sense then...:)

maybe you should persuade your department to get some low level light training from sure fire...:naughty:

comes with a free G2Z combatlight i believe..


We actually get a decent amount of low light training, and IRD (immediate rapid deployment) training. In fact, it's part of annual re-qualification for firearms.
Do you guys use anything to check the primary 123's so you know if they need replaced? Other then the light getting dim that is.