Let Us Talk About This Here!


Newly Enlightened
Aug 31, 2007
Please don't move this thread...

Sasha has said (on the lifeline) that the reason we have been losing (going off line) CPF is because someone has been attacking this site because of the TITAN GIVEWAY...

Then I say...dont "give away" TITAN! :confused:

No, you misread what Sasha said. Sasha said that is is due to some comments she made in that thread. Not because of the giveaway itself.
This is rather unfortunate that when CPF has people kind enough to create giveaways/auctions/passarounds, we end up attracting some negative attention. Sure the :bow:TITAN is a hot item right now, we must remember that it is only a flashlight!:ohgeez: I feel that some people take this forum WAY to seriously and end up doing something negative (ex. the kid that stole from his parents to get a bunch of torches then brag about it on CPF). As for the continued problems the CPF server is having right now, I can only hope that its only a minor thing, and not someone trying to bring all these flashaholics down to his level because maybe he might not get/win the SF Titan. Sasha I am happy that you have the time to devote to making this forum great, it gives me confidence knowing that CPF is a secure place to chat and do some business with fellow light nuts.

Please people, make light not war:thumbsup:


PS I would still like to see the auction continue, although I have no idea how to keep it fair, seeing as I havent been following this hacker matter... do what you wish Sasha:twothumbs