Do the lithium ion batteries get better after a few charge/discharge cycles in use, I had to use a light the other day, till the light was seriously dim, but even on AW protected cells did not cut out.
However after I had recharged it again, it seemed much brighter, unless I had more to drink than I thought!!
Your experiences(of batteries, not drink!!) would be appreciated, thanks.
Doing that is dangerous. You will also likely damage the cell.
Alcohol and LiOns are not a sensible combination.
Don't forget , even if you are happy to take the risk , you are putting people near you at risk as well.
Combined with the slow reactions and poor decision making due to drink , if things go wrong , it is very unlikely you will react well.
Think of the protection circuit like a seatbelt or an airbag in a car. Only a complete idiot would suggest not to worry about danger due to the existence of those two devices.
I believe reasonably safe LiOn use involves being familiar with current draw of your light and cell capacity. You should be using a mutilmeter to measure the open circuit voltag of the LiOn after timed runs. You should be familiar with the open circuit voltage range for LiOn cells
Do this with new lights , new cells.
It's like getting your car maintained and having worn parts replaced , tires, brakes, suspension checked etc. They can all be checked.
You can't test the airbag though. You can only hope it does function when required.
You can't go to a shop and purchase LiOn cells as far as I know in any country. Maybe in China? The reason is the danger to the user. They are only considered safe when a dedicated protection circuit designed for the cell or pack of cells and the device it will be used in. Even then , restrictions on LiOn transportation continue to increase (LiOn transportation by Air has recently been banned in Australia)
Please don't take this the wrong way. Danger warnings are usually bright red , bold letters , flashing etc for good reason.