Light for Potential Flashaholic


Dec 16, 2007
So my dad goes to take the dogs out, and I'm nearby, and he says he needs a flashlight. I pointed to the stock 3D mag on the counter that he usually uses. He says he was thinking he wanted to use the one I was playing with, my P3D Q5. So I hand it over and turn the bezel to turbo.

He comes back in and says 'wow, that IS a bright light! You can actually see whats going on out there, and find the dogs in the field. I like it. Maybe you will need to find me a light like that. How much did it cost?' I said that was called 'seeing the light'. He was a bit surpised that it was almost 70 bucks, but said he wanted a nice light too.

So, it's my job to find him a light. Here's basically what he's looking for, so maybe you all have some thoughts. Thanks.

-Aluminum body
-Clicky switch, forward or reverse
-single mode
-Approx. 150-200 lumens,
-Preferably AA, AAA, but he would go CR123 if needed
-About $50
-Seems to like the beam pattern of the P3D
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Re: Potential Flashaholic in the Family??

I will be the first of many to say it: Fenix L2D-CE.
Re: Potential Flashaholic in the Family??

I will be the first of many to say it: Fenix L2D-CE.

L2D Q5 with som eneloops. Or if he's not a flashaholic he might enjoy the L2T v2.0, almost the same brightness but only high/low mode. I know this is what my dad would prefer, he doesn't like the strobe/sos. Fenix-store has a shipments of L1T and L2T's coming soon, with forward clicky again :twothumbs
If he likes the P3D, the L2D will be perfect. Great light, "common" batteries, super bright, high quality. Can't go wrong.
What do you mean 'potential'? :crackup:

Well, I mean I would not call my dad a flashaholic, and he sometimes gets a chuckle about my hobbies of flashlights and knives. However, he does appreciate cool things (his hobby is restoring muscle cars), so I think if I can hook him up with something great here, there may be a possibility of converting him over to flashaholism afterall. :poke: :)
L2D Q5! Best 2aa light I've used.
Olight also do some great 2aa lights aswell though I have no experience with them.

DX also do some good deals with Fenix-like lights but with questionable quality at times.
If he is really a 'potential' flashaholic then I would suggest something with 2 levels rather than just one. I have no direct recommendation 'cause I really prefer 3 or 4 levels, which I find very handy. I have yet to use the strobe or SOS except for play.
A vote for the P2d. Around $50 with 10% discount from pocketsunshine includes free shipping.

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Just to update: I ended up ordering him a L2T V2.0, and he really seems to like it. He likes the simple two modes, the forward clicky, the AA batteries, and even commented that he likes how it feels in the hand. Last night, he and my mom went out to dinner and he put it in his pocket before he left! He's definitely a fast learner. ;) Now, I only have to get him to start EDCing....:devil:
Just to update: I ended up ordering him a L2T V2.0, and he really seems to like it. He likes the simple two modes, the forward clicky, the AA batteries, and even commented that he likes how it feels in the hand. Last night, he and my mom went out to dinner and he put it in his pocket before he left! He's definitely a fast learner. ;) Now, I only have to get him to start EDCing....:devil:

Good work!
Maybe get him an L1T body so he can EDC.
Maybe get him an L1T body so he can EDC.

Good idea, Fenixstore has L2T compatible 1xAA bodies for only $15. He could swap head/tailcap for edc, and put them on the other body when he need the higher output of the extra AA. I may just do that, and surprise him with it! :sssh:
-Aluminum body
-Clicky switch, forward or reverse
-single mode
-Approx. 150-200 lumens,
-Preferably AA, AAA, but he would go CR123 if needed
-About $50
-Seems to like the beam pattern of the P3D

I am actually going to recommend the Surefire 6PL. This is more than enough light for tasks around the house. Reliable twist switch,long runtime,upgradeable in the future,etc.

The light that started it all for me was the P2D Q5. If he likes the P3D, add another vote for that . . . IF he's okay with messing with CR123's. As I've stated in other threads, I have a 100% failure rate giving out CR123 lights to family/friends. They use them till the original batteries die, then take one look at the street price and then curse me out in some fashion or another! If this could be the case with your dad, then set him up with the L2D or L2T.