Lighting for archery range


Newly Enlightened
Oct 16, 2008
the are currently 4 500W "construction site" flood lights (red in the sketch) mounted under the roof of our winter shooting building. they are supposed to illuminate the targets 16 meters away!!!
fyi: i had nothing to do with installing hose

what would really work for this setup?
it should not be to expensive and be available in Europe.

targets are on the left the archer shoots from inside the building (far right)
everything in meters:

EDIT: image is apparently to large to embed it =>LINK
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they are supposed to illuminate the targets 16 meters away!!!

Is it possible to simply erect light(s) over the targets? Obviously you don't need to illuminate the area in between the shooting building and the targets.

What's wrong with the current light set-up? HID would probably be more practical than painter/construction floods, but moving your lights closer to the targets would be more efficient.

I'm even thinking that LED/Solar yard floods might be plausible if you used more than one to light the targets.
250 Watt Spot Par 38s since you want something 'cheap'.

Personally...I'd go with HID's as Blasterman suggested, but pending installation and budget, it may not be possible.
Can't see the sketch, but I suppose it has to be
- cheap
- weatherproof
- somewhat focused

Depending on how cheap the stuff must be, I'd suggest either ES111 or PAR something-or-other sealed beam reflector lamps or, cheaper, but requiring more personal effort, aftermarket car lamps (high beam for preference). The latter would also require a sufficiently powerful 12 V supply, but that again can be done cheaply with a car battery (big enough to last for > 2 shooting sessions) and an automatic charger (or better a traction battery - car batteries aren't designed for deep cycling).

Two off-the-shelf beamers that should put more light on the targets and less on the grass in front of the hut: in 75W halogenßenstrahler-flacbeam-p-73214.html in 70W HQI

my father is also a keen archer
he shoots at night once a week, and his club runs an extension lead out to the target butts, where they have a pair of cheap 500w halogen floodlights illuminating each target (one either side, about 2 metres from the target sitting on the ground)
for every 2 targets, they just run another extension lead.

they shoot out to about 40m like this

i will ask him to grab some pics next time he goes and shoots
Minimal lighting is needed at the shooting positions. Bright light is needed on the target.

I can't make much sense out of the drawing but if your range is indoors with a typical ceiling height of about nine feet, I recommend standard outdoor flood lights placed in a row about five feet in front of the targets mounted to the ceiling. Flood is needed so light on the target comes from many different angles to reduce arrow shadows. Also, put up a light shield just behind the lights to stop any direct light getting to the shooters. This shield can be made of anything handy, even hanging cardboard or paper will work.

Have fun!

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