Lights for dog-lovers?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 11, 2001
Tokyo (again..)
I was poking around at some info on National Panasonic lights recently, and found these 2 lights for dog-owners.
They are called the 'Wan-Wan lead' and the 'Wan-Wan-light', which translates(!) as 'Woof-Woof' lead and light respectively (Japanese lesson 1 - dogs in Japan go 'wan wan'...)


'Woof-Woof Lead'


'Woof-Woof Light'

The top one uses a red LED to make the leash glow. The second one has a small light built into the handle. Thought some of the dog-owner flashaholics out there might get a kick out of these..

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by darell:
Just for the record, dogs in China go "wo wo."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, they go "no no!" as they are dragged into the restaurant kitchen.

Actually that's Korea. Japanese food is YUMMY!

Read an article in the Orlando Sentinel a couple days ago that they're serving "dog juice" in Korea. I guess it's puree'd dog meat.

I don't understand some people.
Anyong Hasimnikka,
That ad is definantly not Korean, grew up 1/3 the time in South Korea, 1/3 the time in Oklahoma, the rest of the time in Virgina, DC, and a couple of other areas where J3 operated. I do like Bulgogi and Kim Bop much better then any Japanese cooking, did pay alot of visits to Japan while in Korea. Liked Korea much much better. I did get in alot of trouble there though. Nomsone is a terraced mountain with houses on it. I would When I was five years old, I threw bricks from the yard wall down the mountain at houses below. Got a but tanning over that. Also brought a little Cobra Home, I thought it was a worm, but got warmed over that too. I learned to properly catch poison snakes in Oklahoma, they have an annual rattle snake round up there.
The Korean Alphabet is overlayed very phonetic characters unlike Japanese and any of the Chinese languages. It is much more Phonetic than English. Each character is a sylable. A word with three sylables like Canada would be shown phonetically as three symbols made of simple sub-characters.
As I recall, wan-wan is a slang term that refers to dogs. Kinda like if you were talking to a child and would call the doggie a "bow-wow". Inu is the proper word for dog [ee-noo].